Roast my PnPAI :) - Any feedback or criticism is more than welcomed


New member
- The product (what is it, use case, who would want it):

PnPAI is an AI platform designed for businesses, especially SMEs, looking to harness the power of AI without the hassle. We provide tailor-made AI solutions for various industries, including e-commerce, making AI integration accessible to non-AI experts. Any business seeking to boost efficiency, customer engagement, and data-driven decision-making can benefit from PnPAI.

- The market (size, competition, dynamics that we should be aware of):

The AI market is booming, with a particular focus on AI adoption in SMEs. The competition is fierce, but what sets us apart is our user-friendly approach. In terms of dynamics, the AI landscape is constantly evolving, which is where PnPAI shines. We ensure businesses stay at the cutting edge of AI without needing to understand complex algorithms.Product analysis / comparison against competition:Unlike some AI platforms that require prior AI knowledge, PnPAI is designed for ease of use. We're like the industrialized version of Hugging Face. While Hugging Face offers fantastic models, navigating it can be challenging for non-AI experts. PnPAI simplifies the process with use-case-driven solutions, ensuring businesses can harness AI without the technicalities.

- What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?:

We're in the exciting phase of preparing for launch. While we're well-prepared, we're always open to strategic partnerships and investment opportunities to further accelerate our growth and reach.

We have got a pre-seed investment from Plug and Play Tech Center! and looking for more to keep going with our approach!

- Customer conversion strategy (where do you find them, and how do you make them buy from you):

We believe in the power of community and word-of-mouth. We're reaching out to SMEs, especially in the e-commerce sector, through targeted marketing efforts and building relationships. We offer a free 6-month trial to allow businesses to experience the benefits firsthand.

- Why you? Whose your daddy and what does he do?!? err, wait. never mind. I mean, why are YOU the best person for this job?:

Our team brings together over 35 years of combined experience in AI with 2 PhDs in the same area, including successful startups and work on multi-million-dollar AI projects. We understand the pain points businesses face when integrating AI, and we're committed to simplifying this process. Our goal is to build a strong community and an AI Common Schema per industry, making AI integration accessible and cost-effective for all.

Join us in revolutionizing AI integration and simplifying it for businesses, especially SMEs. Your feedback is our fuel!
@isak84 The logo looks like a robotic grasshopper taking a dump. It's hard to take this seriously with that logo.

The main pitch "Data-Driven Success: Unleashing the Power of AI for Personalized Recommendations, Customer Segmentation, and More!" is too long and too vague.

Clicking the Join Now button has a hot five second delay, even with no input on any fields. This gives an impression of your product being slow.

I don't really get your "Democratizing AI Access" pitch. I want AI to improve my life and my business, I don't care about democratizing AI access. Actually, I would prefer if you didn't offer access to it for my competitors.

The other sales pitches in those boxes are better, but reading them is a bit awkward because of the text align center. For any longer texts, you should try to avoid center align.

The PNPai E-commerce Catalog section is the best to describe your product so far.

There are a few reasons why I find this interesting but why I'm not signing up. Firstly, there is not one word about price. If this is going to be expensive, I don't really want it. Secondly, there is no privacy policy type information anywhere. I don't even know who you are, let alone what will you be doing with the data I give to you. And thirdly, I don't know how long this wait is going to be. You should have at least some kind of estimate.

I really like the fact you give incentive for people to join the waiting list by offering them 6 months free of charge. That is the most powerful pitch in your entire landing page.
@kingjoseph Hahahaha, the problem is that I can't see the logo as normal logo anymore and I have to change it soon :D I can only see it as a grasshopper from now on :D
@karenwnc Hi Jouni :)

No words can express my gratitude to your very constructive feedback. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with it. We genuinely appreciate your insights, and they've given us a fresh perspective on how to improve our pitch before our official launch that is coming in Jan 2024 :)

We will look into the the alignment issue you mentioned and also on the page load speed.

Addressing your concerns abour pricing and data privacy: We'll certainly add pricing information to the landing page. We're committed to transparency. On the matter of data privacy, please rest assured that we take data security seriously. PnPAI allows customers to deploy AI solutions on-premises, ensuring maximum data privacy. We won't touch your data; it's yours, after all. And finally, we'll work on providing a more accurate estimate of the waiting period.

Once again, thank you for your valuable input.

That's exactly what I was hoping for from posting PnPAI here on roastmystartup :)

Warm regards,
