Roast my "Roast my startup" product


New member
So, I know that the title is a bit confusing, but hear me out...

...we are a (startup) duo, and we have been working with and on startup products for the past 10 years. In those past years, we have been founding team members of multiple startups (one of them being a Y-Combinator-backed startup) and we have helped quite a few companies build out their products and grow.

We really enjoy working with and on startups, and at this point, we decided, as we freed up a bit of our schedule, that we want to spend some time sharpening our analytical (and roasting) skills.

So we are offering a free analysis and roast of your startups, creating a report that will cover the following aspects:
  • Detailed breakdown of your value proposition
  • A detailed breakdown of what we find in your current hypothesis is
  • Potential improvements and niche down opportunities that we see
  • A breakdown of tech is needed - with a focus on staying as lean as possible
  • Give you insight on how we would approach the Build Learn Measure cycle if we start working on your startup right away
  • A detailed roast of "why your startup will, inevitably fail"
  • Potential market opportunities
  • Customer acquisition strategies that we would be looking at
  • Possibility to expand to different markets (?)
  • Competition analysis - looking at where you at right now
  • ...and anything else that crosses our mind that could be beneficial for you
Our target market is: startup founders.

Our revenue model?
  • At this point, we do it for free as we are still structuring the report, but in the future, once we define something that provides extreme value to the founders, we will make a paid plan with a more detailed analysis.
  • On the short-term, based on the value provided in the initial report, we would look into productizing our consultancy services based on our expertise.

Not having full insight in the backend of the business, and using just the data available on the URL can be an extreme challenge - but it's a good starting point for now.

How are we doing it?

We have a simple website and simple form on the website - where you can submit your startup URL and email where we will send you the report.

So, let the roast start!
@starrss Nice looking website!

However, personally I can't take it seriously when your own landing page is badly designed.

It's aesthetically pleasing, but UX wise it's a disaster. There is no information about who's behind this, no information about privacy, no information about even how it works, no examples...

I'm honestly not sure if this is a parody at this point.

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