[Roast My Startup] gitit: Because Your Face Deserves Better Than a Photo Abyss!

Welcome to the roast of gitit.ai, where we're begging for a side of constructive fire with our serving of criticism. Ready your pitchforks, and let’s dive into the masochistic joy of startup roasting.

You can checkout our site: https://gitit.ai

The Product: gitit is a facial recognition haven for event goers. It’s an AI-driven platform that finds your mug in the event photo dump wasteland. Basically, it’s the tech equivalent of finding Waldo, but instead of a stripe-loving cartoon, it's you, in the wild.

The Market: Imagine every event you've been to—weddings, conferences, orgies (okay, maybe not the last one)—now picture all those photos ending up in the digital void. We're wrangling those photos so you can relive the memories without the existential dread of scrolling through 70,000 images.

Us vs. Them: Flickr's your high school sweetheart; gitit's the one you marry. We're not just storing photos; we're bringing them to life with AI magic that makes you the star.

Stage and $: We're like teens in a garage band—full of dreams and just starting to make some noise. We’re not asking for your money, just your brutal honesty. (But hey, if you want to throw cash, who are we to say no?)

Customer Conversion Strategy: Our hook is simple—event organizers are our gatekeepers to mass users. By partnering with them, we provide an elevated service beyond what they get from platforms like Flickr. Current Flickr users? We’re whispering sweet nothings of AI efficiency into their ears. Imagine turning the tide of photo storage into a showcase spotlight, where every attendee gets their moment.

So, event organizers, former Flickr enthusiasts, and anyone who’s ever been lost in the photo shuffle—we’re creating a beacon to guide you straight to your memories.

Now, with that said—roast away, but if you’ve got the secret sauce to boost conversions even more, let's hear it. Maybe we'll throw in a lifetime supply of digital high-fives for the best strategy.

Why Us?:
What sets us apart isn't just our technology; it's that we're charting unexplored territory. As the first to tackle this specific challenge with AI, we blend innovation with a genuine understanding of the end-user experience. We've seen the gap, and we've leaped right into it, leading the way so that no memory gets lost in the digital abyss ever again. We're not just building a platform; we're building a movement to bring your memories back to you.

P.S. If you can give us that "one feature" that will disrupt the disruptors, we might just name it after you. Or at least, give you a shout-out while we sip cheap champagne when it launches.
an AI-driven platform that finds your mug in the event photo dump wasteland

Is this a big enough problem that more than a handful need a solution to? Let alone one they will pay for? I think not.

gitit is a facial recognition haven for event goers

If this is actually what your product is, it's REALLY hard to pick up on that from your website. The facial recognition thing is like the forth or so thing mentioned on your website, after scrolling down. It's really hard to tell what your product is about from your website.
@kejuli Thanks for the comment on the landing page. That was really insightful. Nonetheless, for the need I have went out and talked to event managers, people in events etc. There's a niche market for the people willing to pay for this. Pricing wise, I plan on just going break-even. The money is in advertising, tracking every event interest, likes, user-activity etc. and charging organizations rather than people using the platform.
@jesus123456782747478 European here: My data protection bells are ringing. Probably hard(er) to pull off here, since you cannot just use the organizers photos and handle them on your servers.

If you’re not based here, that’s negligible

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