Roast my startup - MiDrive Transfer


New member
"It's practically stupid to start another File Transfer Service in 2019". That was what almost all my friends said when I told them about MiDrive Transfer.

I decided to build it because I was frustrated with using other services. I felt a little more latitude should be given to the basic users.

2 months after the thought, I launched MiDrive Transfer ( Transfer large files for free. Full featured include

Free for all to use.

Doesn't require you to sign-up

No ads

Up to 10GB file size for free (compared to 2GB for other platforms)

30 days expiry date (compared to 7 days for other platforms)

Simple and responsive

Everything that added up as a premium feature on other platforms was simply free. e.g. Password Protection.
@angie28 People will no doubt use it to share things like pirate music and movies. Maybe even child porn will exist on your system. Who knows what else. Also privacy issues. Im sure there are legal defenses for this stuff but for sure its a threat and not something that should be taken lightly.
@angie28 Without using it, the product seems fine, but how are you planning on monetizing it? Presumably you have a plan in place to deal with abuse and DMCA take down requests?
@leynor Thank you for the kind words. Well, we have a few ideas but mainly, we are considering paid upgrades eg team access, customized links, customizable download pages etc. They are still quite sketchy but those are the few ideas for now.

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