Roast My Startup: released JUSI beta


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We're a small team from Barreiro, Lisbon, who have known each other for 4 years. In the fall of 2023, we decided to embark on our own project, and we named it Jusi.

The problem: In web and app development, customers may find it challenging to articulate their exact requirements, and developers struggle to fully grasp their vision. Additionally, developers often face difficulties explaining to clients, for example, why a particular feature may cost an additional $1000 instead of just 5 cents, as perceived by the customer. Thus, we work with communication & understanding the project vision, efforts & costs.

The solution:🤖 AI-generated Terms of Reference (TOR), created by artificial intelligence based on a short survey💡 TOR includes: project details, technical & design requirements, initial estimation of efforts and costs by features🌐 Internal marketplace for seamless connection of customers with talented developers worldwide performers

Go give it a try; it’s 100% free! Link:

If you love it, share your passion on PH Jusi - AI platform for rapid launch of website & app development | Product Hunt - that drives us to bring new features release closer!
@urban_legend Greetings from Braga!

I think the over the fold section of the website is a bit too busy. There are so many colors, shapes, icons, font styles and even animations happening, it's very difficult to decide where to look at.

You could improve that by removing the animation with random people faces and the robot in between, it doesn't really contribute anything to the landing page and the more I look at it, the more weird it is.

There are some slightly suspect color choices on the page, too. For example, your logo has some very light yellow shades, that doesn't look great on the white website background.

Speaking of colors, it's not great for UX that sometimes you use purple color for links, such as "Log in" and "Start a project", but sometimes purple is used just to highlight words, like "With us". You should dedicate a color to a single use, to make it more clear. Making user guess what is clickable and what is not, is not great for the user experience.

Another thing that I find odd is how there are multiple font styles within your main top navigation bar, and why the "start a project" link's icon has a circle, but that circle is not complete. It almost looks like there is a glitch and the icon is incorrectly positioned and the right side of the icon is cropped out because of that.

I don't know why there is a floating cell phone behind the lady. It's a small detail, but it just add to the overall too busy first impression of the over the fold area.

The "customer" and "performer" wording is odd. Performer sounds like an artist like a singer, and I don't know how that is relating to your product at all. Also the changing faces thing on these buttons is also odd.

The "How it works?" look visually like blog post entries, and I was confused why they are not clickable to read the full content.

There are many small things on the website that show lack of finesse. For example, inconsistencies with punctuation marks. At some points you say "We'll" and then later you say "Jusi’s" and later you even use "Let`s" which is just an incorrect character to use in this case.

There are also some grammar mistakes, such as "20 project's proposals included". I don't know what means. I guess you mean "20 project proposals included".

The landing page seems a bit too long and complicated. In the beginning, I thought this was an AI product, probably SaaS that helps people to produce specs for IT projects. But later on towards the end of the landing page, there is also content about some marketplace feature, at which point I'm starting to wonder if I understood something wrong to begin with.
@karenwnc Great comment. Adding on top of it, I don’t understand what TOR is and why I would need it. Maybe some case study would be of help here? I’m close to your target market and am not sure what this tool does now.. it’s giving me copy to better communicate stuff to my client? If it’s AI-generated, how do I know if it’s proven to work and not some made-up pseudo-help?
@karenwnc Hi @karenwnc

Thank you very much for joining the landing page review. And sorry for replying so late in full.

We've already fixed some of the issues and I really hope that the product is now more understandable.

There are still more edits to come, of course.

Guys, thank you very much for joining in!
@urban_legend Get rid of the rotating avatars or make them static.

Get rid of the "supported by" section.

Took me a while to even realise it's a marketplace.

The landing page overall is too chaotic.

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