Roast my Writer startup!

We created a startup website for writing called -

We specialize in blog content writing. We currently have over a dozen writers and cover 100+ niches. So we intend for have a writer for really any type of blog content.


We have 3 price tiers:

1) $62.50: This is for a 500-600 word article.

2) $125: This is for a 900-1100 word article.

3) $375: This is for a 2000 & above word article.

We take 20% as our fee, the remainder goes to the writer. For instance, for the $62.50 article, our fee is $12.50 and $50 goes to the writer.

Product: GigPerfect enables content managers to rapidly build a world class remote team of content writers, affordably and with very high quality. We do this by encouraging re-peat business. When you work with a writer, they become part of your "Team" which allows you premier access to them for a rolling 2 months forward. Thus, writers have every incentive to do an exceptional job in order to get a new assignment order from you later - so they don't drop off your Team.

You can re-purpose their work any way you want, since you own the copyright. So you can use it for blogs, use it for whitepaper content creation, memo's, sales-copy, technical details, etc. It's thus pretty adaptable in terms of the market "use-case".

Total addressable market: We estimate is at-least 20% of the size of the "blogs and authors", which according to the BLS is 123K jobs. It could go as high as 20% of that, or 24K writers working on the site. That's assuming the market stays the same size, if it grows it could be considerably higher. We're also going to add new products/services.

Competition: There are other competing sites, such as N-Dash. There are content "mill" sites. We differentiate by the fact that all the writers on our site work for the same rate, regardless of education or expertise. We also have unique "time-centric" workflow software. Writers MUST respond to a Client work request in 24 hours, and Clients have to pay in 24 hours or the request expires.

Stage: Early. The site just went live for clients. It went live to writers about a week ago. We are not raising.

Conversion Strategy: Direct sales. Writers can use the platform to pitch clients they are working through a writer-management company, which makes it easier and more efficient for clients to hire them. In addition to direct sales, we are exploring various corporate branding strategies.


@moonchan What kind of quality do you get for $20? We have industry elite experts, highly educated people, including published authors, professors, and innumerable lesser known yet very experienced writers on the site. Also, since our people are domestic you can make a job offer to them as an on-site employee (we simply take an extremely modest $100 recruitment fee) if desired.