Roast our Startup - UNBLND is a community based social network


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What is UNBLND?

UNBLND is a community based social network that connects like-minded people. Basically, our algorithm generates groups based on mutual interests.

We launched it yesterday

Play Store - Android

App Store - IOS - Screenshots from app - Website

How it Works?

Let’s say you travel or moved to a new city, or just bored at home. And you love drinking beer, if you choose drinking beer as one of your interest/activity in app, you’ll be suddenly put in an interest group where people are also interested in drinking beer. So, you can make a plan in the group for drinking beer in Pub. Then you can meet in a real-life and enjoy your beer with them! That is simple and effective. You can find your tech buddy, yoga buddy, etc.


Meet up, VINGLE, We3, Patook

What makes us different from other social networks?

-Your profile is never public – Users in your group will only have access to your individual profile when you both agree to unblnd (be friend).

-Your events will not be publicly visible.

As a result, appearance will not be the main factor (compared to other apps)


We have launched app yesterday

Customer conversion strategy

Mostly via organic search - creating online content such as blog posts, and social media channels (Face, Insta, Twitter, LinkedIn). In a certain stage some paid ads in FB.

Why us?

Because, we have a cool Team, Experienced programmer, Digital Marketeer and SEO strategist, community manager.

Would love to see your valuable feedback, I wondered especially if you had some feedback on the UI/UX of the app (screenshots on the link above).

Thanks for the feedback
@popcornamy How is it pronounced? I read it as unblend, but I guess unblind makes more sense. Maybe unbland.

"F*ck fake" seems like a forced way to seem edgy. Especially because it's still censored.

A question I'd have for any social network these days is how do you make sure you're not taken over by conspiracy theorists?

I like the site design. Not sure it matches the purpose of the site but it does look great imo.
Thanks for your great feedback.

It is pronounced as a un-blind. The idea behind it is that your profile will be revealed (unblinded) only after accepting friend request. And only people in your interest group, can send a friend request. Furthermore, only friends can see your profile photo.

"F*ck fake " - here the idea behind it is that people often use fake profile photos in many apps, but this app is designed especially for the people who does not care appearance. Here common interests will be more important and they will meet face to face in real life in a groups. Ex: if you are looking for a people to meet and discuss about "tech world", you will not care the appearance (at least will not be main factor). So firstly you can meet in a group, then you can decide whether you want to be friend with one of group members. And they will not even see your profile picture before you meet (unless you accept being friend with one of your group members before meeting in a group ) in real life. It will decrease the chance of meeting fake profile. That is why we say "F*ck fake .

Since meetings will be in real life, everything will be transparent. But due to COVID 19, we will offer aslo video call option within interest group