Roast our Tool to Translate Design into Code


New member
The product: Yotako is a tool to help designers and developers in the transition from design to code for their web and mobile apps.
Yotako basically works in 3 steps:
* Import your design file (e.g. a PSD file) into Yotako
* Choose the stack of your choice
* Select in which repository (e.g. Github) you will get your code

The market:
The target market is composed of web or mobile developers and designers working in a web agency or on in-house applications.

The stage The tool is currently in private beta, let me know if you are interested to use it so I can send you a private access.

Feel free to share your opinion, feedback or any recommendation in comments!
@korg Based on your description here and the website I'm not sure what the tool does. What does "help transition from design to code" mean?

Is it for prototypes? Is it something like Zeplin? Does it create code recommendations? Does it create/suggest frameworks? What kind of code lands in the repository? Or does it help create an app without any coding? (and in that case: Why is it marketed for developers?).

It also claims: "follows community's best practices and highest quality standards" - I'm no developer, but I'd argue that developers would probably heavily dispute that some random tool manages to create apps with highest quality standards. It seems like an empty buzzword, because further explanation is lacking. So like that it can't be marketed to devs.

I'm a designer (no developer) and looking at the website I have no clue if that tool can help me either.

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