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Plant Me a Tree is a simple way to help the planet through your creative work.

As easy as "Buy Me a Coffee" for Creatives — An easy way to make a positive impact by Giving back — Your fans are going to love it.

it's the waitlist page:

How it works :

Your followers choose to support you AND to plant a tree for you, we take one dollar to plant a tree, we give you 95% of the amount we keep 5% for the platform fee.

For Example, Mike wants to plant a tree for you, it cost $5, we plant a tree on your behalf. (operational cost 1 dollar) We (your supporter) give you then $3.8 to support your creative work (95%), we keep $0.2 to maintain the platform.

We make supporting ethical and easy. In just a couple of clicks, your fans can make the payment (buy you a tree) and leave a message. They don’t even have to create an account.

don't hold back punches:
@mikea I think this is an interesting idea that people would use. I don't use Buy Me A Coffee, as I don't really create content, but if I did I could see myself using these in parallel (i.e. having the donate buttons right next to each other).

Again, I'm not a content creator so take that with a grain of salt.

One thing I would change on the website is the how it works section.

I would much rather be shown how it works then told an example. Maybe build a simple illustration/set of images showing the flow of money.
I could see a Sankey diagram explaining your example a hell of a lot better than that paragraph.

Also - I'm all for companies focusing on social good, but what is stopping Buy Me A Coffee from doing this exact thing? It seems like they're business model would be able to handle that small of a change. Or other competitors with similar models donating to different causes?

Maybe brand yourself as the go-to social good, creator donation platform. Partner with a wider range of charities so it can be a cause that fits the creator & their viewers. (Trees are good, but there are (imo) more important ways to make a positive impact on the climate & environment, not to mention the countless charities working to help people in poverty, refugees, medical research, etc.)

TLDR: Good idea but go bigger. I hope you succeed because I would love to see more companies like this in the world.
@mikea I would probably use it.

- Can I choose the country where the tree will be planted?

- Will I be able to see it somehow? It would be nice if it had some kind of badge for someone to visit it.
@believer40 Hello @believer40

- in the roadmap yes!

-We have actually several ideas in mind to make this more "personal" it's a good remark I will take this into account
@mikea oh btw, here in spain we have:

It's a coin with a seed inside and you can follow the track of it, as a way to pay back a favour. It's not super known but big companies use it as a way to say "I spent x% back to the society". (I think their website is not showing english correctly, switch to spanish)