Roast the landing page for my SaaS


New member
So this is my entrance in the SaaS industry and I am planning to launch my first SaaS soon. I just needed validation on my idea before I started to actually work on this thing.

So the idea of the app is that you will be able to create your own branded online store which is essentially a plug-and-play service. You can create a store with the click of a button and all you would have to do is upload your products. There will be a dashboard to track all the orders and deliveries. Analytics will also be provided in the pro version. The payment integration will also be plug-and-play.

The ideal customer profile (ICP) of this application would be small Instagram sellers who do not have enough investment to spend on a custom online store.

This service will be having 2 subscription tiers:
• Free ($0/m) - Free features
• Pro ($19.99/m) - Free features + Analytics + Reporting

In one of my previous posts, I asked people to validate my idea for a SaaS. Everyone said that it’s just a simpler Shopify (which is true) but it has its own quirks.

Someone in the comments also mentioned that I should create a landing page and then get people to sign up to join the waitlist and see how many sign ups I get. So here is the landing page for the service.

Let me know what you guys think of it. I’m always open to suggestions and criticism.

P.S. - I didn’t want to spend much time and effort on this landing page because it’s only a temporary page so I built it with the least amount of time and effort
@walkerdavis There's literally nothing here. A scrolling "coming soon!" text which reminds me of 2001's websites (and not in a good way), and a "join waitlist" popup thing that explains nothing what this thing is, what does it do, what does it cost, when is it going to be released, why should I wait for you, what you will do with my email address and so on.

There's nothing here.
@karenwnc It explains the vague idea of the application. As mentioned, I didn’t want to spend much time on the landing page because it’s in a pre-validation phase.

It does give you a basic overview of what the application is going to provide. It also has a pricing section which gives you a list of features available in the premium service.

Since you’ve mentioned, I should probably add a section where I give an offer to the people for signing up to the waitlist before a certain time. Thanks for the feedback, It’s much appreciated.

I will keep these things in mind and improve upon it for sure!

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