Roastmystartup: changing business model from subscription marketplace to bundle infomercial


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Hi All, Im a cross-bundle subscription operator. Taking 2 or more subscriptions based products (B2B) and turn-it into a package.

site: Purplebundle

  1. Single payment transaction
  2. Only remember one due date
  3. The more you bundle, the more you save
However, we did not hit our initial MVP. Im looking to change our MVP with totally new concept but still within the scope of bundle subscriptions.

New idea on Bundle subscriptions product:
  • The product: Infomercial bundle for subscription
    • Each start-up can post their product (with max 5min video) and offer 'discount, coupon or etc'.
    • We will bundle their products using a dynamic bundle feature.
    • Consumers will receive coupons, discount, cash back from the subscription product they purchase through us.
  • Problem we trying to solve:
    • Consumers pay lesser with bundle subscription (on monthly basis)
    • Consumers able to 'subscribe, unsubscribe and resubscribe'
  • The market:
    • Size: Total $4.8 Bil worth of B2B in SaaS and other digital subscriptions products.
    • Study shows that average Americans have over 12 subscriptions products.
    • Subscription trend is on the rise. 10 years ago you could be listening from MP3 players and watching DVD, those are obsolete today with subscription streaming.
    • GenZ: 55% prefers to simplify their subscription products rather than managing themselves. They are also looking for cheaper deals too.
  • Product comparison against competition
    • Subscription vs Lifetime purchase - Lower investment for start-up
    • Bundle vs Marketplace - More you bundle, the cheaper it gets
  • What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?
    • Public beta
    • Self-funded
    • Not looking for investment
  • Customer acquisition:
    • Content in Reddit, TikTok and Youtube 'position as Bundle expert'
    • Identifying consumer's (in reddit channel or discord) problem in their start-ups that requires tools that can help them expedite.
  • Conversion strategy:
    • 20% to 30% discount on average monthly with package of 3, 6 and 9 months.
    • Offer voucher or coupon for bundle products.
    • Regular customer can even get cash back for bulk bundle purchases for company.
  • Why us?
    • We already have more than 15 products listed and growing.
    • One of the few players in the cross-bundle subscription business.
    • Our aim is to offer better ways of managing subscriptions based products.
@marko959 I have no idea what any of your products do

Who are you building this for?

If you say 'everybody', you are building it for nobody

If this was my business, i'd focus on a particular market e.g. graphic designers, new moms, 18-24 year old guys, or whoever, and build out some packages specifically for them, and then market specifically to them, get it absolutely cranking before rolling it out further
@mcarans Thanks for your feedback

Its cater for new freelancers and start-ups thats looking for an immediate bundle of products that could get them jump start their business.

coming to us, not only they could save some money but also gain knowledge of other products available in our marketplace.
@marko959 Huh what does “it’s cater for new freelancers and start ups that’s looking for an immediate bundle” mean?????

Explain in one sentence what your product does
@judyperalta when you start a new company, you might need an email marketing tool, social media management, project management tool, live chat tools and etc.

we have it all and bundle it for you for a cheaper price.
@marko959 OK cool, then I would package the things up into 'packs' or similar so that people can see what the outcome of using a bundle is

People don't want software, they want the outcome of using the software ie. leads, a project that runs smoothly, tax accounting completed

I's say your biggest competitor would be something like appsumo, which doesn't bundle, but does provide access to discounted SAAS.. i already have sevearl app sumo purchases that i don't use - they seemed a good idea at the time, but i never took the time to learn to use them, or just realised that I could manage without

I also paid $49 a month for appsumo's briefcase product for a couple of months which provided access to around 30 SAAS products.. They ended up taking some out, so i closed it down, but it may be worth looking at as a competitor
@mcarans thanks mate, apperciate it.

Yes, and because it's 3 + 6 + 9 monthly bundle packages, once the time is over and if you don't like it, you don't have to renew it.

Something about Appsumo, it offers lifetime purchase which can be expensive and burden to entrepreneurs (some SaaS operator need to give 90% away of their margins). Our aim to funnel short-term customers to SaaS operators so that they can continuing providing values and convert these customers into long-term customers.

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