Rotating/moving patch for crops/plant

While growing the crops the Gardner take great care of the plant/crop as they do for own kid.They take care for everything that require plant/crop to grow healthy. One of which is Sunlight.

To grow healthy plant require Sunlight as much as they can. However the problem is that during day the position of Sun varies . Since plant can't move on their own they can't receive same amount of sunlight as the position of sun varies.

I even saw cases where the Gardner would move the pot/vase of plant according to the position of Sun so that the plant can get maximum Sunlight.

What you feel about the idea of box(In which plants are grown) and that box move around w.r.t the position of Sun in sky?

The plants would be grown in patch which would be inside a box with opening from above (so that plant can get sunlight water etc etc. The mounting equipment would then move the box according the position of sun as happen in case of moving/rotating solar panel)

(This idea is for small plants which don't weight much and require small volume of soil to grow for a single box. according to need the size of box can vary and the mounting load capacity of system)

If there is anyone who is in plant business or farmer or Gardner or of similar background can give opinion like what impact implementing this idea would(negative if any) have on plants !