SaaS to increase your engagement & followers organically on Twitter/X


New member
Hi IndieHackers

We're working on a SaaS to automate certain tasks on X/Twitter, such as posting and commenting on others' posts.

We're ensuring that the generated posts sound just like you would have written them yourself.

It would mean the world if you could answer the poll below

We're convinced this SaaS will be useful for many X users looking to grow on X.

Would you use a fully automated tool to increase your engagement and followers on X?

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@reformedbill Thank you for your valuable feedback

I would agree 100% if the generated comments were plain/unpersonal

We planned to train a model per user from the users' past comments/posts to generate comments as if he/she would have written them.

The generated comments are then more engaging than something "unpersonal"

It's a core feature for us to create comments written in the user writing style