Scaled e-commerce store from 0-£117k ($145k) in 6months..when to quit 9-5 and go all in?


New member
Wanted to share a post to show it is possible to achieve results with e-comm & kind of document my way. Launched ads on March 20th of this year. I spent from January - March sourcing manufactures, finalising product design, comparing samples & building website, social & ad accounts.

This is my 2nd e-commerce store. My first was drop shipping a winter related last Q4, I then used the profits and reinvested into launching my 2nd store which is my own branded product in a more all weather niche.

The first 4-6 weeks were loss making / barely breaking even. Literally found success through shear determination of testing creatives, advertising strategies & different pricing.

I'm currently netting between 20-35% per day in profit but I don't think this is enough to quit my day job just yet but it's getting there.. you can view the sales here.

I wanted to get some advice from people who have quit their 9-5 to pursue full time e-commerce stores, what were you bringing in per week/per month before you where confident enough to quit?

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask
@lukemaster130 I can definitely still manage both and I have a high paying day job, but I often wonder - at what stage do you decide its worth quitting and going all in? Ultimately I want to work for myself
@frankems21 Ultimately depends on what you are selling and it’s future. Can you risk failing? I’d say give it two years and see if it can net yourself a salary equivalent to your job. Just my thinking.
@frankems21 So around £35k a year profit at the moment? If you have a much higher paying job I wouldn’t quit it yet but maybe hire some freelancers to help scale this

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