Seeking Brutal Feedback: AI Job-Specific Readiness Planner/Course - Tear Apart My Web App Idea :)


New member
My Reasoning for creating this app:
  • Currently there exists solutions such as LinkedIn and seek which help to provide job recommendations and posts for those looking for work. Additionally, there are websites such as Courseau, Codecademy, Udemy, edX, etc, which provide general courses for jobs such as software developer.
  • However, there is a clear disconnect between the jobs we look at on LinkedIn and the courses provided by other website - i.e., the courses aren't specific enough and often don't include all the skills required for specific jobs. That's where my app would come in…
The product:
  • Overall, when users first log into the app they would have a dashboard containing all their courses/paths for each specific job they requested
  • When creating new paths courses users can either enter a job link or answer questions which will be used to find a job for them
  • Next, the app's AI integration would scrape the job post finding requirements of the job before searching online to locate resources which would fulfil each requirement (e.g., courses, Youtube videos, etc)
  • Finally, it would compile all of this information into an overall path/course which helps the individual plan the skills and experience they will need to obtain in order to acquire the job - Additional features may later include auto generative CV/cover sheet creation for the job they are looking into
  • As explained before the main competitors are companies which either provide job posts or educational courses related to overall job areas/industries
  • Whilst both types of websites are extremely helpful they lack a key connection which I think could significantly help individual's gain the specific skills they need for their job
Stage of development:
  • I have already drawn up plans for many key features and UI elements of the app
  • I am still trying to receive feedback from readers such as yourself to determine the viability of the app - be honest and say if you'd actually use such an app!
  • I've also begun setting up key aspects of the tech stack such as plans for the database and server API
  • I am also currently working with a partner who is skilled in marketing and financial management, but am always looking for other likeminded individuals who would be keen to join me! DM if you're interested!
@vanquy3009 Linkedin is literally suing people for trying to scrape data because it's not considered legal in many jurisdictions to do that. That's why they're moving everything behind a login wall, so that you have to accept the terms of service that says you're not allowed to do this.

Don't invest in this. It's a waste of your time. And all you're doing is breaking the law, and all you're going to do is end up getting the accounts you're using to scrape things removed from the platform for violations of the terms of service.

Many jobs also require certifications or skills that can only be gained through actual professional experience due to actual gaps in the education system that are intentional and designed to keep people from doing what you want to do. For example, you can't be an electrician or a plumber without certification and tests that are standardized for legal reasons and nobody's going to want to take a at home test for being an MD When you literally have different legal rules in every state to become a doctor that require that you also have degree and do a bunch of other things that are specific to each state.

Your ideas a joke and you haven't validated this idea at all. Give up, You would be more successful as a professional meth user. Nobody's going to hire a home taught dr, electrician, plumber or anything else that you actually need. And if you're trying to get people jobs for jobs that nobody wants, then you're not going to make any money.
@drriversong Yeah I've just looked into what you said about the legal issues and it seems you're right. While there was a case between hiQ v. LinkedIn in 2017 which hiQ (who was scraping data from LinkedIn) kind of won, scraping websites like that seems to fall into a gray area of uncertainty. Seems like too much legal drama for me. Will probably just move onto a different idea. Also, if I'm creating a competing product then it gives them even more reason to try take legal action.

Thanks for the heads up
@drriversong Also how would you recommend validating ideas as right now I kinda just do a bit of research myself, formulating a value proposition, competitors, etc, and then dump my ideas on things like reddit and twitter for people to roast until I've got a decent idea
@vanquy3009 That's the worst way to validate ideas.

Right now, you're just trying to trend follow and leverage other people's work instead of doing the work yourself. It's clear to me you haven't even really followed any sort of process for this and that is your problem.

Go get a business background.

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