Seeking Feedback and Direction for Auth-N: Revolutionising Authentication Solutions!


New member
I'm thrilled to introduce Auth-N, a project I've been working on to revolutionise authentication solutions. While still in its initial stages, I'm eager to gather feedback and direction to ensure its success.

The motivation behind Auth-N originated from a pressing need within my current company for a robust authentication solution. Recognising this gap, I embarked on developing Auth-N with the goal of providing a comprehensive solution to meet our needs.

Auth-N sets itself apart by focusing on machine-to-machine (M2M) authentication, along with offering advanced features such as 2FA, MFA, CSRF protection, IP-based restriction, and more – all available for free as an open-source project. However, as we continue to refine Auth-N, I'm open to suggestions for additional features to enhance its capabilities further.

While Auth-N is still in its infancy, development is progressing steadily. I'm committed to dedicating significant time daily to its progress. As part of this journey, establishing a clear roadmap and identifying good first issues is crucial. Your feedback and suggestions in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Here are a few links to help you learn more about Auth-N:
I'm incredibly excited about the potential of Auth-N and the positive impact it can have on authentication practices. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of this project.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Auth-N!
How can I find developers to contribute to this project? Since it's entirely open-source, and I need support to move it forward
@megaflies either pay them to develop it, or make the project so good on your own first that people will want to use it

once you get people using it, you will get people wanting to improve it further

but short of that, your only option is to pay
@diane An undeniable truth I've been avoiding, but alas, it remains the reality

I'll work on the project on my own then . . .

Edit: Thanks for the reality check, I wanted that
@ken123 FOSS, Self-Host with full control over the code and data ~

The Auth0 is paid right ? I actually wanted to use it, but with a user base of 1M+ my company cant handle the price and the traffic is very high

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