Seeking Feedback: Automated Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning for IT Consultants


New member
Hello all,

I've been developing a side project, b-Side Tapes, aimed at helping IT consultants streamline the process of transforming client specifications into deployable solutions more agile.

You can find it at

Problem: Developing a Proof of Concept from scratch often results in wasted time and resources. Additionally, the lack of consistency when different individuals create similar solutions leads to inefficiency and maintenance challenges.

Solution: b-Side Tapes offers pre-assessed and pre-configured infrastructure solution blueprints, known as "Tapes." These can be deployed within minutes to provide a consistent starting point for client projects or as a comprehensive enterprise solution.


Framework-Free: Pure cloud-native approach, allowing customization post-provisioning.

Quick Provisioning & Destroying: Deploy and tear down environments rapidly.

Cost Estimation Reports: Understand the financial impact before deployment.

Security Assessments: Ensures each Tape meets security standards.

I'm looking for your brutally honest feedback on:


The overall concept: Does this approach resonate with your needs as an IT consultant?

Features: Are there missing features or potential improvements you'd like to see?

User Experience & Design: How intuitive and effective is the site and its functionality?

General Insights: Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Your feedback will be invaluable. Thank you for your time and insights!

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