Seeking feedback on my app - An AI to assist agencies with client project requirements


New member
The initial idea is to connect all of your client interactions i.e. emails, video calls and messages to the assistant and it will generate automated notes, summaries and followup points.

This allows agencies who have multiple clients and projects going on at once to easily get back up to speed with any project context. It also reduces the chance of missing a key requirement, deadline or idea expressed during conversation.

You can also query the AI about the client interactions e.g. “Was topic X discussed during the scoping meeting?” or “What was the deadline mentioned for feature X?”

Some other use cases:
  • Create a list of project requirements mentioned in all conversations
  • Create a list of questions to followup with the client
I’m looking for feedback on the initial idea. What use cases would you use this product for? What questions would you ask the AI?

Thanks for reading!