Serious people of Reddit - I am for sale t/c


New member
People of Reddit, I have understood that the audience here can be sarcastic and also seriously helpful when needed.

This is my first post, and I am in dire need of your help. Hold your horses, I am not gonna ask for money or maybe I will.

Motive - I need a Job and any help to figure this out

Some backstory, i am a 23YO guy with decent intellect, who has been engaged in ṁy family’s business for quite some time, little less than 2 years. I have been meaning to find what i want to do in my life and apparently the business aint it.

It's been 3 months since I have been looking for a job, had given interviews at 2 companies (decent size startups), was rejected after 3rd round in one and after 4th round in another.
I was astonished and trying to understand why there would be 4 rounds of interviews even for an entry level position, but maybe that's just how corporate works.
9 out of 10 profiles I applied to, the companies consider my business endeavours as a gap.

I am a guy interested in entrepreneurship and have good business acumen that's been developed over years. My family made sure I was included in decision making from a young age and also provided a space where I was managing family events and gatherings happening across years. That was my playground for learning.
You must have come across the people who can juggle tasks and are able to perform a multitude of things even outside their domain (adaptability), the ones we call jack of multiple trades. That's what I believe defines me the best. This trait is considered precious by some and malicious by some and I respect that.

A basic everyday scenario and you went shopping with me. I am the one who has clarity on what I am going to purchase and I could get in and out of the store in just 10 mins. I don't wander because I have put in a lot of thought even for a task like shopping.
Clarity in intent and action

Being real in interviews about my intent has gotten me rejections and reasons like “we don't think you will stick long enough”

Even the right hiring decisions of hiring managers across companies have gotten them people that quit within the first 2-3 months and I am still trying to figure out how to convince the employer to take that wrong hiring decision on me which turns out to be the right one.

This is not a plea for help but rather take it as a sales pitch.
If anyone in the community is in a position of hiring, I would really appreciate that wrong decision of hiring that you take on me and in return I will make sure to prove the right one.

Every Referral, Recommendation, Suggestion is deeply appreciated

People who think to help but dont have the means, your upvote would make sure this reaches the next person.
@jeremiad Wathca Interested In? Poor managers will hire for general intellect and accolades. Good managers try to find someone who is interested in the general topic of business you are performing.
@olagato Thats in interesting take.
I have had worked 2 years in operations, sales, tad bit on finance in my family’s business.
I would love to works at a VC firm or an Accelerator where i could work at problems accross the portfolio of startups.

Currently my goal is to find a job and enter corporate.
VC firm or an Accelerator

Saying what you are interested in helps. VC firms and Accelerators are hard to get jobs at but at least identifying what you are looking for helps. If it were me... who has taken the track from family business... to angel... to VC... over to my own family biz... I would A) if you have a little extra money lying around... Invest in Wefunder stuff. today. Hopefully for return but more so for inside knowledge of the typical path these companies go down. If it goes well its something to talk about at an interview if not its something to talk about at an interview. B) Go to VC/Accelerator/Startup events and talk to as many people as you can. You won't land a VC/Accelerator job filling out the form on their website. Most likely.
And also could be good to identify a theme within VC/Accelerator/Wefunder... climate... pre-seed napkin scouting...AI wrappers... Again a topic you can really dig into to understand the forefront of that industry and why/who a certain company might win.