Service to generate unique discount codes for printing onto business cards


New member
I might be interested in building a service for generating unique discount codes for printing onto business cards and saving the codes as csv to import into commerce system.

Why? I would love to be able to print 100-200 business cards with one-time-use discount codes on them. But I wouldn't want to create that many codes manually or place them onto the business card image.

Scenario a) Business owner visits a website, selects what kind of codes they want (digits only, characters, length, number of codes etc.) The user then uploads picture file of their business card and selects where the code should be rendered. Codes are generated, rendered onto the business card. User downloads a zip file of all the business card images with generated discount codes and CSV file of the codes to import them into their commerce platform

Scenario b) Shopify shop owner does the same as a) except that instead of downloading all codes as CSV - the service asks the user to authenticate as Shopify shop and imports all the discount codes directly to Shopify (extra configuration available for expiration dates etc.)

Of course more integrations could be built with other systems as well as custom solutions by just providing a documented API.

Simple version of the service could be free, but one with integration to other services OR monthly plan could be paid. Like get x cards a month.

Ideally this service as a whole should take care of everything from a to z, so I should take care of printing too. But I am not sure if it's something I would like to pursue, what if I could outsource that part?

Any ideas, thoughts, feedback? Does it exists already?
@soldireofjudah Not entirely sure if I follow 100% myself. People already do have QR codes to take them to links and things on business cards, but you could easily just create a shopify discount code, get the URL for that code, and then use any QR generator out there for free and then place that onto a business card using any business card online maker through any printer currently.

So how would this differ from that? Or am I missing something about it?
@restorationlight Hmm true.

Two things - you have to create the discount codes manually. Also, unless you want to have all cards share the same code - you'd have to create as many codes manually as you want to have cards. Creating 100 codes is tedious and doing so every month of whatever might just drive people crazy enough to just pay for it.

Finally, I think a simple code at the back of it might feel a little more physical, and thus personal. Rather than whipping out QR scanner.
@soldireofjudah Ah I see now I think. So your talking about making a unique code for each business card?

Is there a certain benefit for creating a separate code instead of just one? Like where would I, if I run a shopify store benefit from having unique codes for each customer to use at checkout?
@restorationlight Hey, Mastemine, just a quick heads-up:

seperate is actually spelled separate. You can remember it by -par- in the middle.

Have a nice day!

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@soldireofjudah Ah I see now, yeah, that would be beneficial, guess I never thought of doing that before, typically I just see deals that just use a overall code for everyone to use.

That would help that situation out then if you wanted to limit it to those codes then yeah, if the you just wanted those people to be able to use the deal, that could certainly be interesting. Never saw something like that before, so that would be an interesting proposition.
@soldireofjudah I can write a simple script for generating these codes and rendering QR images. That's simple. For me, it is hard to do frontend and market this solution to people. Any ideas on target audience?

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