Shifty small business


New member
Started working for a small business in 2022 that required me to move 2 hrs away while working on my MBA. At that time the company had merged in 2020 with another company that was growing fast. After the merge there were three owners (A and B are brothers and C is from the fast growing company).

I was sold on the idea that this company is in a great position to grow fast with the residential building booming around us by Owner A. It was agreed to that I would get a company truck after my first 3 months. LOTS OF DRIVING. Owner A hired me as a Project Manager directly under Owner C who is the operations manager. There was only one other PM.

When I started I realized everyone was miserable. From the office manager to the PM and our service reps. The PM had so much turmoil with Owner B who was a salesman. A lot of his jobs were dropped on operations and would fly off the handlebars when things didn’t go right.

2 months into this job, PM is fired as he was burned out by the BS and was coasting until his time came. By the summer of 2022 I was overseeing A LOT of jobs from 6 salespeople. Owner C was starting to go AWOL and blaming his family life for his absence. Still no truck by summer but was offered 10k raise just as my scheduler quit because of owner A’s way of talking to people. Owner C started going AWOL weeks at a time. From August to December I was running operations while owner C couldn’t hold an obligation in a bucket. Winter is our busy season btw.

Owner C shows up in December 2022 with an old business partner to bring on as PM with me. I was asked to show him the ropes. Owner C starts showing up to work regularly*. Things start to smooth out. Owner A wants to change systems over to something more simplified than quick books and Taps on more to lead operations implementation and data migration. No problem.

Once I got started on that I was beginning to get shunned from meetings with owners. They’re response was that I was too busy with the new system. By summer 2023 I hadn’t had an annual review. By fall 2023 I stumbled upon a journal entry for payroll. The PM they hired was getting twice my salary (way more than 100k) and was highest paid in the company. Chapped my ass so much I demanded my annual review with owner A. Owner A wanted the PM in the meeting but I declined. Owners review sheet has the new PM as my supervisor and is the operations manager…shocked. Owner A acted very apologetic for not letting me know….I only replied back with how I feel undervalued after keeping operations alive when owner C was on alcoholic benders with little appreciation.

Owner A shared with me that he 100% owns company now because SBA loan background checks failed for owner B & C.

I have found it extremely difficult to see past this oversight and trust anything else this company does. I don’t have any interest in working with the snakey operations manager. Former Owner C has been in and out of work since October 2023 with surgery and went back on a bender before Christmas (hasn’t been in the office since). Owner A is currently working on pushing C out completely . Finished my MBA in December looking to go on my own…

Owner A refuses to give me a organizational chart of the company which I think would hurt a lot of peoples feelings. He says it’s a family owned business (just him now).

Snakey Operations Manager is about to hire his buddy.
@any Leave immediately. Residential might be booming right now, but we are on VERY shaky unknown territory with all real estate markets. I would be polishing my resume literally tonight and sending it out first thing monday morning.

Strong suggestion when working for small businesses... Never work for "family owned businesses" without a lot of due diligence. And NEVER work for any small business run by someone with zero business experience. IE they started the company with family money, or former pro sports player, basically someone who has never worked for another person their entire life - run away.
@any The entire business sounds like its extremely immature and not a good place to work. Obviously its all about the owner, and his cronies.

You got an MBA and work experience... just start your own shop and treat people with respect.

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