Should I Run Paid Ads for My App? — Help


New member
Hey everyone,

I’m fairly new to development, having recently transitioned from a design background. I just launched an iOS app that enhances the appeal of textual content. I’ve received a lot of support since the launch, but the sales haven’t been as great as I'd hoped.

I noticed a slight increase in sales when I focused on marketing, but whenever I shift back to development, sales plateau. Juggling learning and developing has been incredibly time-consuming, and I’m struggling to keep up with the marketing side.

I’m considering trying paid promotions. I’ve read about advertising, but I lack experience in this area. My hope is that if I can achieve a positive ROI on the ads, I could then focus more on development for a while. Does this approach sound viable?

Could anyone share their experiences or advice? Should I invest my time into paid advertising now, or is the cost of paid ads on platforms like Facebook or TikTok too steep for an indie developer like myself?

Any insights or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated! 🥺
@saharali19 marketing is really important for a product no matter how great your product/ service is. if you can't sell a product/service correctly you can't make revenue. If you are struggling to keep up with the marketing side or lack experience in this area I think you should hire someone skilled in Paid Promotions, Targeted Advertising, Utilize social media platforms to do this for you. If you are interested I can collaborate with you and contribute to your app with my skill.
@saharali19 I know your pain man.

From someone with one IPO under the belt and multiple years of big-tech ads experience: If you can invest in paid advertising and ensure you’re profitable; go for it - 100%.

DM if you want to chat
@saharali19 In my experience, paid marketing in the early stages is almost never the right answer – unless you're a world class expert at ads and have a big budget for it. Everything from the product, to the onboarding, to the messaging, to the targeting is so tough to get right. I'd highly recommend trying to do things that don't scale and hand-recruit your first customers instead, talk to them and learn about their problems, and only once you truly can't do this manually anymore to keep growing it'll be the right time to go for more scalable strategies.

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