SHOW IH: - Easily create personalised children's stories


New member
Hey indiehackers,

I'd like to get everyone's thoughts and feedback on a product I've been working on for a couple of months. In essence, it helps parents create high-quality, deeply personalised and educational stories for their kids.

Find us at, where you can sign up for free and receive 5 story credits to try things out.

Here are a few more details:
  1. We've designed a super simple interface for building stories. We take you through a handful of steps to tailor your characters, the story's theme and the universe it's set in.
  2. The themes you can choose range from fairy tales and adventures to topics that support your child as they grow up. We've called these 'teachable moments' and we cover everything from understanding complex emotions to bullying, making new friends and big milestones such as weaning.
  3. Universes are our way of creating interesting and fun worlds for your children to explore. We have a small selection today, but these will grow over time and we'd love to hear ideas from our community.
  4. Every story is beautifully illustrated with unique AI-generated artwork. You can pick the style and then we take care of the rest. Quality and consistency are our goals here.
  5. We're building a massive library of unique stories, pick your favourites, build up your bookshelf and create your own stories inspired by your favourites.
I'll leave it at that for now. Thanks in advance for any feedback or thoughts.

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