Shred my dreams: an app/program to automatically lock/unlock your PC with your Android phone


New member
Umwelt locks and unlocks your PC automatically, without any typing, by measuring the intensity of the Bluetooth signal from your phone or Android smartwatch. When your phone/watch is close to the computer it unlocks the PC, when you go away it locks it. It makes it easy to implement more secure, robust and complex passwords in your log in. It is the perfect companion for computers in reception desks with sensitive information; many receptionists don't like to have their computers locked and have the awful habit of leaving post-it notes with login info.

Other cool feature is the "cafeteria leach": when someone closes your laptop screen (as if trying to steal it) the app sends a warning to your phone.

My intention is to provide a simpler, more convenient and cheaper alternative to other solutions that demand specific hardware like Yubikey or Windows Hello. Other solutions like Windows dynamic locking only provide locking and don't allow fine-tuning the distance at which to lock.

People at /r/androidapps enjoyed it.

I also made a Mac OS-X version, long ago. It got praised on /r/apple May/2015 monthly appreciation.

Edit: when I wrote "Shred my dreams" I mean that I've been on battles, got badly hurt and survived. I can take criticism. This isn't about my ego, is on whether my solution has value or not. Feel free to roast it, please.
@lashepard awesome idea, im a bit confused does it work for MacOS and an android phone? from all the documentation it seems its focused only for the WearOS. (I'll try it shortly see how it goes)

Only thing i would do now would be to do UI upgrade: web and android app.

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