Six Pro Tips to Build An Awesome Sales Funnel


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1. Sterling Landing Page: The First Impression

Landing pages are the first direct connection between your leads and your business. And, when the competition is stiff, the first impression is definitely the last impression, right? Target optimization and your promotional specifications must reflect the promise presented in the targeted ad your viewers clicked on.

2. Live Chat Software Stack: The Best Communication Tools

When your focus is on converting as many visitors into customers as possible, why not select the most personalized way of communication?

Yes, I’m talking about the live chat software stack. No one can resist its impact which is so similar to face-to-face interactions. Your clients want to consult with you about every doubt they have. They want in. Let them, into your team, like a big family.

3. Write Awesome Blogs: Help Your Customers

Modern customers don’t always like to ask you for everything. Self-service is their first priority before shaking hands with you for the first time. And the most efficient way to quench their thirst for information is with business blogging. Tell your story before being asked, and share industry news, informative writing, and analytical data.

4. Activate Retargeting Ads

Retargeting or remarketing ads help your brand not to lose sight of bounced traffic once it leaves the web page. Since only 2% of the audience can be converted in their first visit, activation of retargeting advertising is the only hope you have for the other 98 percent.

5. Go Social: Invite Communities

When most of the internet’s users actively use social media, you certainly don’t want to miss any of your clients by ignoring this channel. This is the wide platform where you capture the attention of your leads. Know your clients and narrow down the media channels most of them use.

6. Autoresponders and Payment gateways: To make the entire process easier, include autoresponders and secure payment gateways.

Apart from this, there are software that supports CRM (Customer Relationship Management), which helps you track interactions with your current and future customers.

You may use software such as CloudFunnels, ClickFunnels, Kartra, etc. These are very helpful when building a sales funnel. They fulfill all the requirements of a good sales funnel and generate great leads.

Good Luck!
@cmbaptist Nice tips! For (3) blog writing - it takes a ton of time to make sure the quality is really outstanding . In our case, we also need someone with a deep understanding of our niche and product for it to not be general nonsense. Are you doing it yourself, or found a way to outsource without losing quality?

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