Social media reach is declining, what alternate digital channels can be used for marketing?


New member
From what i've seen on r/ InstagramMarketing is that organic reach has taken some serious decline due to changes in the algorithm implemented recently. As a newbie on the growth game I was hoping making use of Meta channels - but this seems to be coming at a cost to get more and quality reach
@belaya_zvezda Instagram's organic reach on image based creatives has dropped atleast by 30-40%.

The best way to attain good reach is via Reels. Stories work well too, and after Reels people consume a lot of stories. Share your LP link there, give the audience some value.

I noticed on my IG profile, when I share text stories using "create" it gets thousands of views, and when I share a link or post or picture, the views drop.

Try permission based marketing approach for stories.

S1: Give them a fact/Did you know

S2: Some value (Engage via polls/Quizzess)

S3: Ask if they want to learn a topic

S4: Give your offer/link
@belaya_zvezda Most effective way to grow email list -- newsletters, lead magnets, micro tools.

Social Media channels are essentially indulging in fraud.They promise you reach initially. Then aggressively monetize by cutting reach.

We can't complain because platforms are free. But we can beat them in their game by leveraging platforms to grow email lists or private communities.

Having a large social media following means nothing. Social media doesn't guarantee more than 10% reach.

Any country can ban any platform when they get into war, but they can't ban your opt-in list of email and phone numbers.

The only two things we must be chasing are email and phone. Rest everything is the house of cards, can be destroyed anytime.

In India, many influencers had millions of followers on TikTok, all lost overnight.
@belaya_zvezda Except the part where this person argues that the platform is engaging in fraud for giving you free reach and then later cutting back the free reach on their free platform in favour of paid reach. Lol, I mean they literally point out the platform is free so I’m not so sure it can be argued as fraud because they want to charge for reach.

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