Software onboarding


New member
Hi, do you all notice that you have high traffic, high conversion rate on the website, good number of users signing up to use your software, but onboarding (actually activating the user’s account) is a problem? I’m seeing this with our software and I’d like to see if you all have experienced this before. Would like to hear your thoughts! Thanks.
@shamashuruk Good old UX principles can work here. There's probably some things off with your onboarding flow. A few user interviews would help.
@shamashuruk Do you refer to conversion rates from visits to app downloads?

Can you provide your website and app to check the whole process?

Traffic drops usually happen in those steps
  • When you ask for too much data or personal data,
  • When it is about certain kinds of data such as IDs, age, credit card, etc.
  • When there is not a clear CTA
Another possible reason is that you are offering a free trial, but it is not clear how to be sure you can cancel the subscription after the free trial.

I'd need to look at the complete onboarding process and specific data.

I hope it helped somehow :)
@jamesdb Sure! When I say conversion rate on the website I mean users clicking on our call to action buttons like Register Now or Try Us Free which takes them to the free trial. Our website is, looking forward to getting your feedback
@shamashuruk Hi focalsoft!

I have just created an account, following the Try Focal Software Free CTA on the home page.

I could enter my data, but I could not activate my account. I got the Email to verify my email address, but I couldn't.

I got the same errors in 3 different ways (I have screenshots; tell me if you want me to send them to you):
  • Clicking on the "Verify Email Address" CTA, I got a 500 server error.
  • Copy-pasting the URL to verify the email address, I got a 500 server error.
  • I tried to resend the verification email and got a 500 server error.
Was it at this point when you got a low conversion rate?

This can be why many people register for the 14-day free trial, but they can never try or use it, because they cannot enter the platform from day one, so they don't proceed to buy the service after the trial.

Or have you noticed the low conversion rate from active free users to paying customers?
@shamashuruk I have experienced this with several different projects. Most times the issue was with UX. Tho the message & positioning might be another problem: when its differ from the product. One startup I worked with advertised the app as "find a new friend to go surfing" when the app was about dating. Misalignments like that

As for the ux, you need to make sure (a) you guide user step by step to the action you need, they shoud have minimum friction or thoughts "which way?" (b) time to value, make sure you navigate them to value, not just "congrads, your account is created"
@shamashuruk Do you track user events with analytics? It’s very easy to see where they drop and change that step. I haven’t registered at your website. Because the form seems huge tbh. Do you really need all that info? Better to make them login fast and ask for that details later

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