Solo Founder (Non-Engineering/Programmer Background)


New member
YC App closes on April 7th and I want to apply.

I've worked for YC grad company as their growth marketing manager and was responsible for literally bringing their users to the platform. I've worked at startups Seed-Series D and managed up to $2.4m annually in marketing budget.

I want to launch a company similar to my former employers but done in a more transparent, economical way by providing solutions to private citizens rather than corporations. I know the KPIs to be met, I know the market, and I know how to acquire users since I will be a potential direct competitor to them. (Think Uber vs Lyft with them being Uber and me being Lyft).

I am working on building the website today but do I have a shot at getting into YC since I've worked for a grad company before and will be building a similar company in the same vertical? What else can I do to improve the odds of my application?
@necromanicide_x Everyone has a shot, don’t be discouraged.

I got an interview as a solo non technical founder, I had revenue though. I ultimately didn’t get in as what I wanted to build would require a dev team. This was in 2020 right after lockdown.

There are certainly examples of people beating the odds.
@monkeypaw2 Impressive that you even got an interview! Would you mind sharing some details about your background or what you were working on? It seems they have a very strong preference to technical founders - I would go so far as to say in looking at some of their content I almost feel disdain from them towards non technical founders. I'm actually quite glad they removed the "what's one system you hacked successfully" question.
@frankie4493 YC is amazing, all we have to do is check the scoreboard, right? The numbers are there. 😂

They are the best at what they do, by some margin. They certainly have a preference for being able to build product in house, they made that clear to me in their message, and lots of their videos say the same. I was an executive for a series of large companies in my field, healthcare, but without the technical expertise to build my product myself. I’ve since pivoted and built a new product myself with no code tools.

I’m giving consideration to applying again this week. Not sure yet.

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