Start a newsletter even if you're SaaS, eCommerce, App, etc + How to do it


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Sure, newsletters are great for keeping your audience engaged and informed about your latest developments. But it can be much more than that.

It can also be a source of funneling users to your product.

By providing valuable insights and updates in a regular and consistent manner, you can build a loyal following and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. So you generate more leads and drive more traffic to their website.

Keep in mind: To get someone's email address, you need to offer them something specific that solves their problem.

People want useful content, not just product updates. Don't make your newsletter product updates. That sucks.

Give them something helpful before they sign up, like a checklist or template, to associate your brand with being helpful. Instead of "lead magnets," think of it as "content upgrades." For example, for the No BS Startup Guide, I offer a free Startup Checklist.

Treat your email list as a "VIP Room" for potential customers, and focus on earning their trust.

Methods to Grow Your Mailing List
  • [ ] Create high quality free content and drive more signups by offering free content. It goes with out saying - make sure the content is relevant to your product and target audience.
  • [ ] Spend considerable time on marketing the product in the form of updates to communities like IH, Reddit and build some traction.
  • [ ] Work with newsletter authors in your space to see if they can talk about your product. Make sure the newsletter audience are relevant to your target audience.
  • [ ] If you can afford, spend some quick budget for ads, may be less than $100.
  • [ ] Create a lead magnet and place it on your homepage, in an exit intent pop up, linked from top-performing blog posts (if they are relevant), and give it its own page and run a PPC campaign to that.
  • [ ] Offer a lead magnet or incentive, such as a free ebook or exclusive discount, in exchange for signing up for your mailing list.
  • [ ] Create a landing page that highlights the benefits of joining your mailing list and sharing it on social media and other marketing channels.
  • [ ] Run a referral program where current subscribers can earn rewards for referring friends and family to your mailing list.
  • [ ] Partner with other businesses or influencers in your industry to cross-promote your mailing list and reach new audiences.
  • [ ] Host a giveaway or contest that requires people to sign up for your mailing list to participate.

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