Start small stay small: the book I wish I've l known about before starting my project


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A few days ago I came across I really wish I had read this book before starting my side project two years ago. I've not finished reading the book, but the parts I read so far are so good. I would like to quote the mantra:

market, marketing, aesthetics and then at last the functionality

It's very practical, and it fits my final goal very well. Which is the financial freedom that allows me to do what I want, when I want, wherever I want.

In my first project I started the implementation even before validating the idea and confirming there is a market for my idea. I just thought it's a good idea and it must be interesting for some people.

There are a lot of good things to say about the book (so far). My advice if you have not read it, pause whatever you are doing in your project, read it, and reflect on what you are doing.
@pipedream15 Thanks for the shout! I’m the author and I appreciate the kind words.

If you read the book you’ll notice it’s dated (14 years old!) so the examples are old and many URLs I have in the book no longer work. But the mindset of moving from developer to entrepreneur, which is maybe 70% of the book, is as relevant today as it was when I wrote it.

I’ve also written kind of a spiritual successor to this book, focused on bootstrapping SaaS companies, at

Thanks again for the shout, I really appreciate it 🙏
@christian1991 OMG!!! I've never expected you to be here (in the subreddit) 😅 ... I'm really glad to see your comment, and glad you know how much I appreciate the effort you put in the book. Thanks for writing the book and sharing your genuine experience! and thanks for your humbleness 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@pipedream15 Yep, Rob Walling has some fantastic advice for building SaaS. I read this one and The SaaS Playbook.

Validation and marketing are key! It’s foolish to build without some kind of validation.

I’m trying the stair step method with my first SaaS. I’m building a Slack app and hoping to get it in their app directory.

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