start up help! 18 y/o looking for advice


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hey guys! i had an idea for a startup that i think will take a while to develop but i’m interested in seeking advice on whether i have a legit idea or if it needs more work.

for background info i’m a trader who has been trading options for about 1.5 years now and i’ve learned tons doing so (and made some good profit ;) ).

as i look back, i see that my experience with trading could have been streamlined if i had the right resources. courses cost too much money, and ict lectures (even though i watched all of them) bored me to death. i’ve learned tons and i’m confident that i’m a really strong trader now that i know what i’m doing. so here’s the idea…

a free course that teaches you a-z everything you need to know about stocks, options, and futures derived from ict trading concepts (ict is a trading god who’s videos all the pros watch and learn from). it’s complicated topics taught in simple and easy to grasp concepts, kind of like duolingo and khan academy. but it goes super in depth and teaches trite and true strategies that go beyond than teaching you what these commodities are, but shows you how to trade them like a professional. it summarizes everything i’ve learned and everything that professional traders use.

at the end of the course you can choose to do three things
  1. take what you’ve learned and trade elsewhere and keep your knowledge for free (because education should never be monetized)
  2. kind of like a loan arrangement where you pay us $100/monthly and we upfront give you $1100, but you have to keep your contract for a year so we make $100 in profit
(numbers can vary depending on starting capital but it’s essentially a loan)
  1. a little harder to do but down the line we can make our own investing platform and in return for its simple ui and platform-specifc strategies and advancements, you pay like 0.5% commission per trade
i haven’t looked into the legalities of this idea (but i will) - i’m just gauging to see if it’s a good idea and a good enough market to make it work. please comment or pm with any suggestions or critics, i truly appreciate any help!
@zacharycampbell Hello, buisness consultant here. Tbh with proper good content and good following you can monetize it. But first you need gain trust of people. Now a days anyone teaching trading people will assume you're just a scammer even if the course is free. So gain their trust with good content
@zacharycampbell Yeah, I think I have a some simple step by step guide for you :
1. Create content.
2. Create a community on discord, or skool where you offer your course.
3. Do some 1 to 1 paid consulting.

After these steps, Now you can offer loans to people, or you can create a trading platform.
@zacharycampbell Firstly, are you sure no one else has done this? There are lots of finance and trading influencers who may have tried this previously.
Secondly, why would someone pay you after learning everything for free. As for the loan, how will you ensure that you get it back especially when new traders might make more risky decisions.
Thirdly, with AI in everything, do you think you ll be able to compete with that when the AI is literally preparing itself to find best trades for you.

I maybe wrong but this is what I think you should also ponder upon. And also congrats that you are thinking about this at such a young age.

Good luck for your future endeavors
@schoch awesome! i really appreciate your thoughts

firstly, i have not checked if someone has done this exact idea but this differentiates itself by offering easy to learn concepts wuth good ui which eventually creates trust. i think one of the biggest problems is that the REAL content that truly is useful is hard to learn and hard to trust, so how can you as a trader interested in the space know what information to learn from? that’s what we help with

and for the payment, i wanted to make this information super accessible so that’s why it’s free (kind of like khan academy) and make money from the loan, but making it like $5/month might not be a bad idea either i just haven’t looked into it yet

i thought about AI, and i don’t think there is much i can do about it as an entrepreneur. if you ask me i think trading is a lot of feeling and reacting to information quickly which ai might not be capable of. i’m not 100% sure about this tho and i’m really happy you brought this up!

i really appreciate this feedback, gives me a lot of think about and critique

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