Starting a women’s retail brand


New member
I’m taking a leap and starting a new business. An affordable retail fashion brand for women. Do you have any advice on building a brand in the Philippine market? Can you provide steps to focus on?
@shellbyhc Question you have to ask your self and probably you need to provide:
  1. Do you have enough capital? How much?
  2. What can you offer that others can't that are already dominating the market? Quality? Affordability? Style? Warranty? Service?
  3. How are you going to distribute your products? Warehouse? Logistics? How about research and feasibility study? Business plan? Timeline?
  4. Target market? Women demographic is really a big target market. You need niche market lest you want to be a general thrift store for women. Profit might not be that great.
  5. Are you going to make your own clothes or will just get from suppliers? #2 applies here.
To sum it up, you need a niche market if you are starting out. You need to stand out and market the hell out of it. You need a selling point or a unique selling proposition (USP).
@shellbyhc What is your goal? What is your vision? What is the need you will be serving? What sets you apart?

Then from there decide what do you stand up for then build your strategy.

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