Startup Idea: SaaS Video Creation Automation


New member
I have found a problem worth solving. I have seen something similar happening somewhere else, so I know it is feasible. I just want to know how to design a solution.

So the idea is:

SaaS companies use screen tools such as Loom to record their, videos of the product and showcase it to clients or users. They also use it for creating marketing videos on YouTube as they cannot afford it.

The process of creating these videos is extremely painful.

Below are the pain points I want to solve for,

-> Pre-Creation Video Creation Process:
  1. Define the use case you are going to showcase to solve with your product.
  2. Define the user journey on your platform.
  3. Prepare dummy data in the application that is relevant, it should be close to your user persona.
  4. Create and Set up an account with that dummy data, it could be a dummy email, etc.
  5. Define the Scrip for video creation.
  6. Create a dummy document or anything that is relevant to that product.
  7. Select a browser extension to record the screen.
  8. Make sure your browser does not have any bookmarks, it may show up in the video.
  9. The creator will need to do a practice or dry run before creating the video.
-> During Video Creation Process:

1. Ensure there is no background noise that may disrupt the recording.

2. Confirm that you are recording the correct screen.

3. Validate that the correct data is being used in the demonstration.

4. Check for any abrupt pauses within the video sequence.

5. Verify that your screen resolution is optimized to ensure clear visibility of your actions in the video.

6. With Voice Over:

Make sure that your voice is clear.

Make sure there are no abrupt pauses.

7. With Face Recording:

Make sure that the person looks professional

Make sure the background is good enough.

8. Without Voice Over:

Make sure that the video is recorded at a pace that there is enough time for

a voiceover that can be added later.

-> Post Video Creation Process:
  1. Video Editing
  2. Noise Removal
  3. Addition of Animation
  4. Addition of AI voiceover.
  5. Feedback and Iteration: After the video is released, gather feedback from the HIPPO, Highest highest-paid person opinion. Understand what worked well and what needs enhancement.
  6. File Format and Compression: Decide on the file format and compression settings for the video. Choose formats that are widely supported and consider compressing the video to reduce file size without sacrificing quality.
  7. Storage and Distribution: Determine where and how the video will be stored and distributed. It may be on your website, a video-sharing platform, or sent directly to customers. Ensure that the video is easily accessible to your target audience.
Something similar is happening can be done with cypress:

Below is the video:\_link
@cathya It still is unclear what exactly the problem is that you are solving and why is that important? Can you please mention that as well before the solution as it's hard to think about the solution?
  1. SaaS companies have to create, how-to content, in terms of videos or articles.
  2. For training their existing customers or new customers.
  3. It could be for marketing new features or for customer support.
Imagine you are a person working in a SAAS company as a video editor, you have a very limited knowledge of the product. Your core competency is to create videos and edit videos.

I as a marketing head task, you to create a video explaining,

How to use the feature XYZ.

Now as a video editor,
  1. I will need to make a storyline for using a feature.
  2. Define a use case.
  3. Define the user journey.
  4. Create dummy data that would resonate with my target audience.
  5. Then I will have to manually screen-record my product and showcase the user journey.
  6. Add voiceover to the video.
  7. Or use an AI tool to add a voice-over.
  8. Then the video would be complete.
I think the above process is painful. Because the screen recording part itself is very painful.

I myself work as a product manager or product owner, and I interact with people who create content like this.

Once I was tasked with creating 20-30 short videos for marketing purposes as we were short on resources, It was painful.

So yeah, I want to solve this problem, I want to somehow automate this process. Which I am trying to still figure out.

And thankyou at least some one replied. I was expecting no replies.