Startup Programs – What do these Programs Consist of, How to Apply (Free Resource)


New member
Hi all,

I wanted to provide a free resource for those of you that are interested in startup accelerators. The resource includes over 50 video interviews with written transcripts focused on startup accelerators and startup programs for students.

Startup Accelerators:

Startup Programs for Students:

The conversations cover topics about specific programs with the goal of increasing access to startups and entrepreneurship.

Some of the programs that are featured include:
  • Y Combinator (YC)
  • Sequoia Arc
  • South Park Commons
  • Hacker Fellowship Zero (HF0)
  • Free Ventures, a pre-seed startup accelerator at UC Berkeley
  • The Garage, an entrepreneurial community at Northwestern
  • Pear Fellows, an apprenticeship program to ready you for your VC career
Would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on any of the featured content. Let me know if there are more topics that you would like covered!

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