Stick or twist: resource allocation between existing business and new ideas


New member
Hi, I’m lucky to have two digital products in the consumer B2C subscription space generating about 20K MRR.

The first is currently generating the most (15K) but requires around 5K on PPC. However, I think I’m close to the ceiling here. It’s a small niche. I’m also facing a lot of competition.

The second is generating 5K, but I’m spending 4K on PPC. There’s an order of magnitude greater headroom than the first, but competition is fierce and established.

Right now my time is completely used up defending the first while also attempting to grow the second by trying to open up new channels beyond PPC.

Trouble is, I’m becoming quite disillusioned with consumer products. It’s difficult to see how I can really take growth to the next level and yet they take up 100% of my time in defending what I’ve built and trying to develop alternative sustainable channels beyond PPC.

I’d like to try and use my product skills for a higher ticket B2B service as I think it’s got the better chance of being a sustainable business long term.

But my fear is if I don’t focus on the existing products, I’ll lose what I’ve built to date.

Has anyone else been here?
@apocalypes7 Personally, I wouldn't "twist" to new business or products, but "twist" to add in additional marketing efforts. While PPC is showing ROI, that gives you cash flow & time - luxuries to find additional marketing tactics to bring in revenue at even better ROI.