[Success-Stories] ZERO to 9941 Email List in 4 Days! (w/ Free Traffic)


New member
The crazy viral strategy that I'm thrilled to have experienced.

I'm a long time marketer and I love email as my primary marketing channel. Recently a good friend asked me to partner with him on a business in his niche and I happily agreed. He has been in his industry for 10+ years and has a great business.

He had been working on a project for over a year and was now ready to launch. He wanted me on board to handle the marketing end. So I thought it would be a great fit and fun project to work on together until I asked him about how big his email list was? His answer ZERO.

My first thought was NOT GOOD, as I don’t have any contacts in that niche and no email list in this area. I really had no idea how long it would take to build up a following in his industry so we could launch his product successfully and he wanted to launch in a couple weeks.

What was supposed to be a fun side project so we could get out of the house and hang out more began to look more like an experience that was going to take a lot of work to get off the ground. Mind you it’s been a long time since I had to launch from ZERO and he wanted to launch in a couple weeks.

So I got to thinking of all the strategies I have implemented over my 17 years of marketing that might be capable of pulling a rabbit out of the hat so to speak. To make a long story short I decided that running a giveaway was the only viable option. I wrote some code that would allow the giveaway to go viral when shared(that was my hopes anyway).

So we had the offer together that I was hoping would work because I had no idea about this industry but my friend assured me it would be a good offer to giveaway. I set the giveaway up and sent over the link for my friend to share on his social media and some of the groups he is a member of as a test before we started to run any type of paid traffic to the offer.

That was on Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning we had 432 emails collected. I thought this is showing some promise let’s see where it will take us. By Sunday evening when the offer was set to close we had collected 9941 emails. I was Thrilled to see how well this worked for us and I began setting up the automated follow up and launch sequence immediately as this was a big enough list to launch to.

Needless to say, I’m going to be using this software script and strategy quite a bit now.

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