SuperAnimo - THE FUTURE of MEMES, create cartoons, gifs, and silly mashups


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Back in the 90s I used to draw boobs in a program called "Spiderman Cartoon Maker." The animations always turned out retarded, and my 15-year-old self thought it was the best thing ever.

Fast forward to 2010, and I thought someone should really make a cartoon maker like that. I did market research by going to crappy internet forums and 10 people on thought that cartoon maker was the best thing ever.

Since then I've invested 7 years of my life into building my dream. Go ahead and roast me - if I haven't given up after 7 years I doubt you could say anything to stop me.
The animations always turned out retarded, and my 15-year-old self thought it was the best thing ever.

This is the most accurate deconstruction of meme culture I've ever read. I would have picked age level 14, but tomato/tomahto.

10 people

Good they weren't ten paying customers, the internet's perfect record was in jeopardy. Kudos for restraining yourself from calling them an audience, customers or users.

the best thing ever.

Pretty sure you'll get a far more accurate measure from money spent than opinions rendered. I knew one business owner thought strippers and booze were the best thing ever. He's an employee now. Made a lot of strip joints and liquor purveyors a lot of money. Didn't much need to ask the guy his opinion on the best things ever.

I haven't given up after 7 years I doubt you could say anything to stop me.

Could you tell me how many celebrities gave up -- quit the business -- after their roast? None. That's not the job of a roast.

You're trying to get resistance so you can double down and keep on doing what you're doing. Give it a rest. Are you even running this as a business? Startups don't generally do hobbies, although that argument could be made I guess.

Explain the business model or maybe you'd do well posting to some other forum. I don't see a problem here. I do not recall the last time I saw a meme post float topside on Reddit.

Stop you from ... what exactly?
@bornagain69 This looks similar to another thing I saw advertised on facebook, a tool to make your own marketing videos. But yours is geared toward silly memes.

The intro was funny, I almost laughed. But if I were you I'd be concerned about using celebrity photos. Where as satire is fair use, using their likeness in commerce is not. To argue wheather or not it is satire would cost you money.

I made an attempt at using it. It was not that intuitive. You would need a tutorial.

But before you get that far, you need to validate this platform and figure out how to monetize it.

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