Survey for Soloprenuers and Startups


New member
Hey all, I’ve been an avid follower of the community and would like to share that I’ve finally started a startup. I’m the CTO, we’re 4 co-founders, each of us specialising in something.

It’s basically a self-serve marketing platform to get started with your startup’s marketing. It provides a starter and growth checklist to help you do your marketing in-house and keep a close eye on the metrics without an agency or in house marketing team.

We’re conducting this survey to do some initial research, it’ll be a huge help for me!

Haha also I just told my our CEO (he was Zomatos B2B business head at some time) that I’d probably get the most quality responses from Reddit.

Thanks in advance!
As an incentive, we’ll also add you to our waitlist. We’re going live on 1st January.

We’re giving out free membership to waitlist members