Tech-friendly athleisure


New member
Product Designing athletic sweater for active people with features that would be helpful for them (headphone slots, cellphone armband, reflective running tabs)

MarketWe've built it based on conversations with crossfitters, runners, yogis, and weight-lifters. Apparently a lot of them encounter issues like headphones falling out, no gloves, not having a good place to store cellphones.

Product analysis Most athleisure today is based on a brand or a social media influencer. We're trying to make something based on a problem. We want it to actual serve active people by being useful to them.

Stage Good design drives good business. We're are currently in the product design and tailoring phase, testing out product and most importantly, getting as much feedback as possible.

Customer Strategy Using social media influencers, email campaigns with magnets, and Kickstarter

Why us We're a team with a strong background in tech, fitness, and startups. Between the two of us we've worked at NASA & Facebook, started 4 businesses, and been active in Crossfit, Yoga, martial arts, and bodybuilding. This is our problem.

Survey here: includes discount and product concept.

Roast us!
@abel_emanuel There is a problem with balancing quality, price, and applicability here. For example, the customer want's an all in one athletic sweater that works with all of their devices. You can offer a "one-size-fits-all" product at a reasonable price that does just that, but performance is mediocre (product fits, but not snug - headphones have too much jiggle). Alternatively, you could have customizability where a customer can choose what features they want and for what products they should work for, but it's hard to account for all variation and this increases the work and hence price quite a bit. Another option is to include compatible hardware (like headphones, an ipod/music player, etc.), but this gets quite complex for a startup, is redundant for many customers, and increases the price quite a bit. What's your strategy here?

Also, this market is super-saturated right now. Solutions to these customer's problems already exists, they just aren't willing to buy them. Why would your product be any different?

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