TechStars NYC J.P. Morgan Questions


New member
My startup received an email about us being a select applicant for the NYC J.P. Morgan accelerator program and we were invited to come and meet them at their demo day next week. I saw another thread and it looks like it was more of a mass email than us being special, however, I decided it would be good to go anyways to network and get a feel for demo days.

I have a couple questions:
  1. The email didn’t discuss a dress code or anything. I did a web search to try and see what people wear to demo day and some photos were t-shirts and jeans, while others were wearing suits. Does anybody have any insight on whether to keep it casual with t-shirt and jeans or if we should suit up? It’s at Pier 17 btw if that changes anything.
  2. If anybody else is going, do y’all wanna start a group text and meet up the night before? I’m a solo founder and it’s a bit daunting going alone to this event. I could also use some startup buddies in general.
  3. Any advice/tips on how to go about this event in general?
@aubsessedtllc I’ve been to a lot of these events. Unless you hear otherwise, I would dress in what ever makes you feel like a boss! What ever makes you confident while being respectful. Be you. Good luck!
Btw, don’t stress! They’ll give you everything you need to figure the event out. Smile and enjoy. Talk to people.
@aubsessedtllc Worked at JPMC and have a decent idea who's running the thing. Finance is weirdly obsessed with dress - most people err towards more formal but the real boss move is to show up casual just to show you can.
@p4m3l4 Ooooh that’s helpful, thank you.

Yeah since it’s a JPMC backed accelerator I was thinking this one in particular might expect more suit and tie. I was thinking sport coat no tie to be somewhere in the middle, but it’s during the day and it’s gonna be kind of hot outside so idk.