The framework to create a Stellar Pitch Deck ( After creating 100s of Decks)


New member
A great pitch deck reads like a great poem: it summarizes well what inherently resists summary. Decks are 'Emotion transfer vehicles': do it with data, videos, or your delivery, but make the audience feel what you feel for your company.

No Pitch is perfect. It keeps evolving over time and different series of funding stage from Angel to Pre Series A to Series A as the process is a Marathon

Here are certain pointers (Slide wise) to keep in mind while creating your deck to raise your next round of funding
  1. What is the 1 minute Pitch for the company? (Not more than 12 words)
  2. What is the Specific Problem that you are looking forward to solve with your product ? (Please be Specific and Quantify the Problem in Numbers or Revenue)
  3. What is

    a) Total Addressable Market ?

    b) Serviceable Addressable Market ?

    c) Serviceable Obtainable Market ?
  4. What makes your product stand out from the rest? (Mention the most important technical points which makes your product Defensible and Scalable ?)
  5. How the consumer life will change if they use your product/ Service (Quantified Benefits)
  6. What is the Business Model ? (How would you be making money?)
  7. Team (Passport Size Photos with White Background, Key Education and Experience)
  8. Traction and Milestones Achieved TIll Date (Date of Inception, Prototype, Launch, First Client, First $100k Revenue)
  9. What are the Financials and Projections for the next 2 Years atleast

    a) Revenue

    b) COGS

    c) Gross Margins

    d) Marketing Cost

    e) Contribution Margin 1

    f) Salaries

    g) Rent and utilities Expenses

    h) Contribution Margin 2

    i) EBITDA

    j) Taxes

    k) Profit after Tax
  10. How will you scale the revenue once investors are in?
  11. How much do you need and in return for what equity ? (Big elephant in Pitch Room)
  12. How would you deploy the funding you are looking to raise ?
Hope it helps the community. Happy to answer any questions if you have :)