The impact of my Reddit post: My product's SEO has exploded!


New member

Recently, a post I shared about my design tool, Sketch Logo AI ( ), went viral on reddit.

The statistics of my design tool before sharing the content were as follows:

Last 30 days traffic: 38.3k impression

Last 30 days sign ups: 7229

Last 30 days new paid users: 56

With the content going viral, the SEO of my product exploded!! You can see this in the image I shared with you above. Honestly, sometimes just a post on Reddit can attract more impression than what you can attract in a month!

Although my return to sales rate is a little lower than I expected at the moment, isn't this actually a positive sign for my product? Or is this a temporary situation? What do you think about this? Do you think the SEO of my product can continue with such an acceleration?

According to the comments received, my product was quite liked, especially the landing page and design features came to the fore.

Another topic asked in the comments was about how I created my product and how I did its marketing. Especially its success in the field of marketing attracted your attention.

I created my product with Next Starter AI and used its marketing guide to market my product. It has been quite successful for my product.

If you would like to examine it, you can reach it here:
@ds2002 “Hello, I noticed that my sneaky advertising worked, so now I’ll share my post about sneaky advertising, which secretly is more sneaky advertising”