The importance of headspace


New member
Hey all, I am a 26 y.o. software engineer working full-time for over 6 years. For the last 3 years I've been building my little startup, iOS app, that generates on average about $2500/month in revenue (gross). I haven't really done any marketing yet and spent $0 on user acquisition so there's still a lot to do, including a web and Android versions of the app. I expect to grow the revenue even more with the web version and good enough marketing.

As I mentioned, I am still working full-time and building the app just in my free time. However, I started to feel some signs of burn out. It's harder and harder for me to work on my app after my full-time work even though I have enough time.

I am not sure but I think my full-time work takes too much of my headspace and there not enough left for my app or other stuff I'd like to pursue.

Does someone have a similar experience? Is it really an issue of the headspace or am I just procrastinating? Quitting my job is a real option as I have enough savings to live for about a year, even if my app would make $0/month.

I am just not sure and I don't want to quit my job just because I am not able to push myself to do both, my work and my side business.

I would like to hear from someone with a similar experience 🙏
@gingerberry It's currently about $3000/month. So yes, I would be at a loss. On the other hand, the headspace I would get by quitting my job would help me grow this app. I don't want to rely on my assumption of course, that's why I already have a plan B in case it wouldn't work out - I would find a job. Which should not be hard as a senior software engineer.
@geoffe Yes that's definitely a preferred option. And I am still working on it but it's just getting harder and harder over time with the full-time work which takes most of my headspace at the moment.