The importance of reading - let’s start a book club


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Importance of reading - Let’s start a book club!

As mentioned yesterday, I’m looking to start posting everyday, to try keep everyone motivated and keep everyone up to date with my journey!
Over the last year I’ve read/listened to 7 books! The aim being to read for 30 minutes a day!
I can’t emphasise how crucial reading is for aspiring entrepreneurs, books, especially self help / business based books offer valuable insights into personal development, it allows you to learn from those who have already done what you are trying to do and fills you with wisdom in such an easy way! If you don’t like reading, audio books is a great alternative!

I propose we start a book club on here where each month anyone in the club reads the same book and then we can talk about what we learnt and enjoyed about it. If there’s enough interest I think we should start it up, please comment if you’d be interested in joining!

If there isn’t then just take this post as a sign to start reading and increasing your knowledge and wisdom in the business world!
Please also feel free to comment any books you’ve read that you’d recommend!

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