The Inner Workings of a Sweaty Startup. How a single mom built a $300,000 per year local business and quit her two jobs


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So this is a post on how Brittany built her company, quit her TWO jobs, and bought a home all in the space of 18 months by building a sweaty startup. It's long but happy to answer any questions at the end.

What this isn’t, is a post about someone raising a gazillion dollars at a gatrillion dollar valuation like folks think is the only way to make it.

This is just a regular person building a regular business to support themselves and take care of their family. Crazy concept I know! :)

So there are very few things can change your life as quickly as entrepreneurship.

What it takes to win:
  1. Choosing a niche where people actually spend money
  2. Setting up the systems to make it easy for customers
  3. Acquiring said customers.

In this thread we’ll show how Brittany put all these steps together to build a multiple 6 figure business during Covid and completely changed her life. Here's Brittany:

We'll be talking about building my favorite type of business: Local service businesses.

This is the exact method I used to quit my job as well:
  1. Build a local sweaty startup
  2. Double my job income
  3. Quit that bad boy
  4. Scale to the heavens!
Enter Brittany. She stumbled across one of my case studies and hit me up about building a service business. She had two jobs at the time (Genetic lab sales and software sales) and wanted to find something more stable for her and her daughter.
What follows next are the 10 Steps Brittany took to make this business a reality, and set herself up to do over $300,000 per year.

Step 1: CHOOSE A NICHE: Brittany settled on a residential cleaning business. Huge market, with built in recurring income, and it’s a space that she could leverage some technology and have immediate advantages over the competition.
Step 2: CHOOSE DOMAIN: Happy Clean Atlanta . Three simple words that makes it clear what service she offers and adds a little flare for customers as well. And Atlanta is where she does business. Perfection. Here’s Brittany when she got her first company shirt:
Step 3: GET A WEBSITE: This is a step that people overthink, but Brittany just plugged in one of our website themes that allow for instant booking. I asked her why she chose the color green and she said, “Cause my last name is Green” lol. That was it. Way to not overthink.

Step 4: GET A STRIPE ACCOUNT: The goal is instant online payment and having the capacity to have recurring charges as well. Stripe is perfect for this. Again, no overthinking needed.

Step 5: PLUG IN SOMETHING TO MANAGE OPERATIONS Brittany needed a system that manages the entire operations. From scheduling, to operations, to onboarding, to connecting to stripe API… If there was any secret sauce, this is it...

Step 6: Business Formation and Banking This is the piece that people usually agonize over but Brittany simply used Firstbase to get her LLC. It comes with her business banking set up through Mercury as well, plus access to a lawyer. Saucy!!!

Step 7: SET UP EASYHIRE Next step was to set up a way for folks to apply and work with Happy Clean and have a smooth way to screen and onboard them. That's right, Brittany does none of the actual work she built an online business from jump...

7 Steps so far, and this represents essentially a week of work for Brittany. The way we work, we focus on completing or at least initiating one step per day so that by the end of 30 days we’re ready to take one our first customer. No messing around...

So with most of the technical stuff out of the way, Brittany got working on the operational parts of the business. And here’s how that played out…

Step 8: Setting up a phone line. Openphone is what we use. It’s simple and allows you to get a local number, take phone calls/text messages from your laptop from anywhere in the world. Brittany got her local number and kept it moving...

Step 9: SETTING UP ONLINE CHAT We use Tawk dot to to set up a online chat. It’s one of those very simple things that 99.9% of the competition overlooks. Plus it's free and helps to increase our conversions! Brittany set it up in real time on one of our calls

Step 10: BUSINESS EMAIL Brittany uses Gsuite for this (Now Google workspaces). This allowed her to get her emails connected to her domain, like support@happyclean or hiring@happyclean etc. Looking professional from day one!

Step 11: ONLINE BOOKING FORM Brittany then set up her booking form so customers could book easily online. 60 second checkout is our goal and we helped her hook this up to her website on one of our live calls as well...

A bunch of technical stuff I know, but these are the things that allowed Brittany (and folks in our community) to come into any local space with an advantage from day one:

So technology out of the way, Check!

Operational stuff out of the way, check!

At this point Brittany started doing simple things to get the word out about her company.

What she did next

She recruited her friends to help with marketing videos recorded right on their cellphones:

She then started posting more on Facebook and stumbled onto her first commercial contract.

And then started getting a presence on the usual suspects like Google local services, Yelp, Thumbtack, etc.

She hustled, hired her mother, other friends and family, and shared things along the way on her Facebook so her community felt involved and invested in her growth. There are no shortcuts she put in the work...


$34,500 in the last 30 days and on pace to do over $300,000 this year. Built from zero with no knowledge of the industry and only the hustle and drive to make things better for herself and her family. Obligatory revenue screenshot:

And remember she built this while having TWO jobs, a 3rd job of being a single mom, AND finishing up her Masters degree. Pic from just a few weeks ago -

And I would be remiss not to share some of her graduation pics from last week. Legendary!!!

And she just closed on her new home (Yep, I'm giving her all her flowers today) -It’s crazy how quickly life can change when you make a decision to put in the work. I can’t stress how happy and proud I am of Brittany.


Biggest motivation? “Stability. My mother was on drugs when I was young and I wanted to get my life to the point where I could provide for myself and have stability and feel safe."


Brittany on Risk: “Freedom doesn’t feel risky. I’ve always thought like an entrepreneur. I’ve just never wanted to be in a job where I had a cap on what I could make. Entrepreneurship for me is the path to freedom, and freedom doesn’t feel risky”


Brittany on adversity: “When Covid hit we went through a really tough patch and I actually had to pause the business, but I kept working behind the scene and staying prepared and when things re-opened we were well positioned to continue growing”


Brittany on resourcefulness - “You can’t just sit around waiting for things to happen. I had to understand my strengths and be honest about my weaknesses and operate accordingly"


Brittany on perfection - I started in Feb and didn’t launch until May because I was waiting for things to be perfect. Don’t get sidetracked on handbooks and brochures and other randomness when you could have already launched and made money. I learned this the hard way.


On having a “why” "You have to have a why. And it has to be bigger than just making money. There has to be that thing that even when things seem impossible, there’s no chance that you’ll give up." For me that was my daughter.


On what’s next. “I think we’re well positioned to get from around $40k a month to $80k a month, which will be a million dollars a year. That’s the next goal, and I feel we’re less than 24 months away from that.”


Thanks Brittany for letting me share your story. This will be forever my mantra: Build a cash flowing businesses. Secure your freedom. Go on to do whatever the hell you want.

The tools that made this happen:

Website: Wordpress theme



Booking system:

Hiring system:

Credit card:

Business formation:

Business bank:

Mentoring: (Yep, that's me)

Alright bet, catch y'all on the next one. Hope you enjoyed this and realized that it doesn't take that much to completely change your lives in a super quick timeframe.

And for me, sweaty startups are the fastest way I've ever seen to get there.

P.S. If you think you might want to go down this journey, drop your email on my page, we're kicking off another class (Same one Brittany went through) next month...
@spiderkiller007 Alright I'll just say it.

This post is an ad. It's a compelling ad and I've also been enamoured with local service businesses for a long time and haven't started one yet.

Can someone or OP tell me what makes this a standout example and real reason to follow this advice?

100% curious and not sarcastic bc this post actually snagged me into thinking I could do this.
@art84 I mean, this is the guy that basically launched this sub with the 30 steps/days to launching a maid business 10ish years ago. A lot of people have followed his model and succeeded and a lot have probably failed, but it’s definitely doable if you work smart and stick with it.