The platform which helps startup founders to reach investors and to grow is looking for the CTO-guru to join our team!


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Hi /startup community members!

Few months ago we launched InnMind - the platform which helps startups from worldwide to reach investors, mentors, corporate clients and business partners globally.

Why is it different from others?

Because we ourselves are a startup, who passed through all the milestones of startup development, who understand and share the founders' pains, and know all the problems which are typical for all the startups on their early and middle days.

It is our passion and that is why we created the InnMind platform, being committed to building a living ecosystem for startup professionals and an effective instrument which will help startups from different countries of the world to grow and succeed.

Since our launch few months ago there are already more than a thousand of startups who joined our network. Without a dollar spent on marketing or advertising! I find it to be a good prove of the value we bring to the startups. We help them to get expert's advice, to find relevant partners, to promote their projects within the community and, of course, to reach target investors directly! We already have several success cases when startups have found investors on InnMind and boosted their development. I'm proud of that!

But our team is small, we're bootstrapping ourselves and can't handle all the tasks and decisions which we face everyday in our development process. This means that to continue our development and to grow we need to strengthen our team with CTO, a Ruby-on-Rails skillful guy who shares our passion and is committed to contribute to the InnMind development.

Salary and conditions are to be discussed. We can't pay high rates at the moment, but we can discuss equity or other solutions.

If you are the one, who loves what we do, know about Ruby on Rails and wants to contribute to the development of the coolest startup project development as our CTO-guru please drop us a message on or - we're waiting for you!

UPD: Friends, if you could repost this message or forward it to your network of developers - I will be very grateful for your kind help!
@arda6297 Hi, there is some minor issues on your website:
  • on startups page when I scroll down the page new startups are loaded automatically, so I can't access links in your footer until all startups are loaded :) So I suggest to turn the feature off and just add 'load more' button.
  • English is selected but in startups listing I see some startups with description in Russian. The same problem with investors. If I do not know Russian then it would make no sense for me as there are many investors write their names in Russian. I think it is better to filter somehow startups and other information depending on selected language.
@maryh Hi d-cerge,

Thanks so much for your advices!

About loading - already forwarded to our current developer. Hopefully he can handle with it quite easy ;)

As about languages, that is what we're thinking about. At first we wanted to implement automatic translation tool on InnMind which will allow to read all the profiles info in your selected language. But we couldn't find the really good convenient tool for this. So now we break the brains thinking on how to manage it in a best possible way. We will find a solution, sure.
@arda6297 o_nelli, in my opinion it would be great if you give users two options:
  • allow them to enter information in different languages; they just need to choose which languages they want to use (simple, just Russian, just English, or both, or other languages);
  • they pay some money to you for professional translation into languages they want, and you take care for this.
If user did not choose any of these options you show their information only if website visitors chose the same language. For example, if they added description only in Russian, you do not show their information for visitors from countries where Russian is not primary. It makes sense as if they cannot provide information for example in English they most probably will not be able to communicate with customers/investors who speaks English only, right?

You know, I do not know any similar resource who ever tried to use different languages - all of them just use only one language.

Well, it is just my IMHO.
And one more thought about auto-loading of information while user scrolls page, and in case when user has to click on button 'load more'.

Imagine, I am scrolling investors page from a tablet for some time for many additional loads of information. Then I switched to another tab in a browser and spent some time there. When I switch back to your website, browser most probably will reload the page as there was not enough memory to keep all the information. So, I loose the place where I was, and it would be a frustration to scroll down to the place again.

Also, the same frustration happens when after some scrolling I clicked on an investor/startup - it opens in the same window, and when I go back, I should start from the beginning.

Solution is to make it like did it :) There are button 'load more' plus pagination buttons with pages 1,2,3... so, user can click on the load more button or to click on pages. But when user clicks on load more button, parameter 'page' in the url is updated to next page, so if I (or browser) reload the page, I will be on page where I stopped.

Well, again, this is for you to decide to how to make it work. I just told you what frustrates me most in such kind of things and I am sure I am not the only one. Especially, when website has really interesting information but lucks usability.
@arda6297 Thanks, o_nelli!

For some reason it is much easier to me to generate ideas for other projects than for my own :)

I wish you good luck with the project!

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