This free "Site Audit" tool by ahref is too good & must use for every SaaS owners


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I've been using this free site audit tool by ahref.

What it does⁉️

  • Crawls your website every day or week (as you set)
  • Send Email with Health Score, Issues, New SEO errors like Missing alt text, Meta description too short/long or missing, Meta title too short/long or missing, page loading speed etc.
  • Website Dashboard: Having indept details of website Organic traffic, Index status, Internal link opportunities & a lot more.
  • Gives both Mobile & Desktop scores.
  • Also, Execute JavaScript while crawling

What's the cost⁉️

It's free.

The only cost is it crawls every page of your website everyday or week, as you set it. So this might increase server load.

What's the Benefit⁉️

  • Gives website health score, free.
  • Gives "Internal link opportunities" that you can use to link between different page of your website
  • Fix SEO issues as mentioned


Check this screenshot of my website

Screenshot 1 (Latest):
Screenshot 2 (Old):

Do you use this tool?

If not, i highly recommend using it.

Feel free to share your thoughts & suggestions.
@texasmustang What I find is that founders struggle less with getting the audit from the billion different sources that do this. It’s having a clear idea of what they need to change in order to get it right. I find a lot of these tools have very loose guidance on how to fix an issue they founded.
@lucyt25 ahref is OG 🐐 in seo & that's where it excells with this.

You'll find details guidance with video on fixing them ☺️

Check both screenshots shared above it shows how we improved website health using the fixes mentioned

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