Thoughts on my radical libraries forum board idea?


New member
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


A classic phpbb forum board for the discussion of books and radical online libraries.

The website would be one single forum, platformed on and uniting:
And I plan to buy a unique domain like:

I created an example of how a forum might look that focuses on only radical libraries, but in hindsight it was way too niche:

Main groups of people we hope to bring together and recruit interest in

People who like one or multiple of the below:
  1. Discussing new uploads to various radical libraries
  2. Collaborating on archiving texts
  3. E-book hoarding; sharing and requesting out-of-print books
  4. Hobby digitizing for travel e-reading
  5. Hobby publishing
  6. Reading circles
Name Possibilities
  • Radical Libraries
  • Radical Book Addicts
  • Radical Bibliophiles
  • Book Addicts Anonymous
  • Bibliophiles Anonymous
Existing websites that satisfy some of these goals

Examples of topics that would be covered​

About Page Blueprint (created by ChatGPT)​

Welcome to Radical Libraries, a dynamic community that celebrates the spirit of rebellion within the literary world. Here, we've created a virtual haven for bibliophiles who are not just readers but active participants in reshaping the landscape of literature. Our platform, powered by the classic PHPBB forum board, serves as a collaborative space where individuals from diverse backgrounds unite under the banner of literary revolution.

Who We Are: At Radical Libraries, we are a collective of passionate book enthusiasts, activists, hobby publishers, and digital archivists who believe in breaking down traditional barriers to literature. Our aim is to foster a community where the love for books is intertwined with the spirit of radical thinking and action.

What We Offer:
  • New Upload Discussions:
    • Engage in lively conversations about the latest uploads to various radical libraries. Share your discoveries, thoughts, and insights on the diverse and thought-provoking content that challenges mainstream narratives.
  • Archiving Collaboration:
    • Collaborate on archiving texts that are historically significant, culturally relevant, or challenging to access. Work together to ensure the preservation of literature that might otherwise be lost.
  • E-Book Hoarding and Sharing:
    • Embrace the joy of e-book hoarding! Share your collections of out-of-print books, and feel free to request those hard-to-find gems from fellow members. Our community thrives on the collective effort to make rare literature accessible.
  • Hobby Digitizing for Travel E-Reading:
    • Discover the art of hobby digitizing for travel e-reading. Share tips, tricks, and experiences related to converting physical books into digital formats for convenient reading on the go.
  • Hobby Publishing:
    • Join forces with fellow hobby publishers to showcase and discuss independent projects, zines, and unconventional publications. Our community values the power of DIY publishing in amplifying diverse voices.
  • Reading Circles:
    • Participate in virtual reading circles that focus on texts from radical online libraries and independently published works. Engage in thought-provoking discussions that transcend the boundaries of traditional literary analysis.
Who We Hope to Bring Together:
  • Readers who actively seek out and discuss new uploads to radical libraries.
  • Archivists and digital preservation enthusiasts passionate about collaborating on preserving texts.
  • E-book hoarders who enjoy sharing and requesting out-of-print books.
  • Hobby digitizers keen on digitizing books for travel e-reading.
  • Independent publishers and zine creators looking for a community that values their work.
  • Book lovers interested in participating in virtual reading circles to explore diverse literature.
Join Us: Whether you're a seasoned activist, a casual reader, or someone in between, Radical Libraries invites you to join our community. Dive into discussions, contribute your unique perspectives, and be a part of a collective effort to redefine the boundaries of literature.

Are you ready to embark on a literary revolution? Join Radical Libraries today and let the journey begin!

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