TinyUX - Wireframing and visual brainstorming on the mobile phone


New member

The product (what is it, use case, who would want it)


- It's for people who need to do some quick UX design on the go, in the train, in bed or on the toilet.

- It is grid based, and low fidelity. So you don't waste time on high details or aligning elements. If you need more details, colors, animations, you probably should not try to do that on a phone.

- You can create a wireframe, simple flow chart, try out different solutions and then export the image to share on Slack or otherwise.

The market (size, competition, dynamics that we should be aware of)

- Target audience: mainly UX professionals and other people who like marketers that need to communicate and brainstorm visual ideas for digital media.

- Global audience (there is no text in the app)

- For now limited to Android phones

- My just-a-guess estimate is 1 million potential users

- Because it's a rather simple app, people won't be willing to pay too much for it, making it less interesting for big corporations to go in this direction. But perfect for a solo developer/small team.

- Long term I can grow into a tool for of more of the UX design process, making it more sticky and profitable. This tool is at the start of the creative process, so I can add pieces one by one to extend it.

Product analysis / comparison against competition

- Most UX ools are high fidelity for desktop and try to take that to mobile phone. This makes interface complicated.

- Most UX tools require an account and subscription. TinyUX is single purchase of $5 without account. This makes it easy to try out. Future versions can have paid premium/online subscription on top.

- Most UX tools don't use a grid. By limiting to a grid, you take out stuff to align and think about. It's has to be low fidelity, so simpler to think about and operate.

- Competition that has a non-grid canvas, will have a huge resistance to go grid-based just to compete with me.

What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?

- In validation stage. Just launched the app this week.

- Don't need money, I need users and feedback.

Customer conversion strategy (where do you find them, and how do you make them buy shit from you)

- Cheap price, easy to try out, no need to get permission from the boss, just pay the $5 yourself.

- Get UX professionals to try it out, and share it in there scene. So write blog posts, on subreddits (Here I am!), and share progress about the UX development of the app itself.

- Create YouTube videos showing how the app works, perhaps creating wireframes of UX websites and share it on social media with them.

Why you? why are YOU the best person for this job?

I have the experience. Over decade of UX design experience at the start of my career, now a software developer. Also I can dogfood this on my day-job.