Tips for running a successful Facebook group to promote your business or brand


New member
This video gives a great simple explanation of some simple tips to help make your Facebook group successful

The summary is

Tip 1 - only invite people to join the group who will benefit from being there. Inviting Aunt May might be nice to increase members but what you want is engagement.

Tip 2 - Have clear cut group rules.

Tip 3 - Don't let the forum be just about you. Let others contribute.

Tip 4 - Have an introduction thread pinned to top to allow new members to introduce themselves.

Seems like a sensible list to me - do you have any tips from your experience?
@tkline Agree with tip 3. I have used them and they work best if you plan the group to give value - I use and 80/20 rule - give free stuff eg advice, downloads, webinars etc 80% of the time and ask for business 20%.

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